Trump wants to make Kavanaugh Furor an asset of his campaign, not a liability


Mr. Trump made his comments in response to a reporter's question about House Democrats who talked about dismissing Judge Kavanaugh after the mid-term elections. "I have therefore heard that they are now considering dismissing a brilliant jurist, a man who has done nothing wrong, a man who was caught in a hoax set up by Democrats. with the help of their lawyers, and now they want to dismiss him, "said Trump.

The president said it would be "an insult to the American people" and that voters had come to the conclusion that the trial against Judge Kavanaugh was a fraud. Citing a woman who reported attending high school parties where women had been sexually assaulted, Mr. Trump said, "Everything was invented, made and it's a shame."

When he boasted of Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation later in the day to police chiefs in Orlando, they applauded enthusiastically. The president praised Judge Kavanaugh's education and career and said he had told his candidate that "it would be a game of art to get you confirmed," then smiled at the erroneous prediction.

"What happened to him was very unfair," Trump said. "False accusations, false accusations. Horrible statements that were totally wrong. He added: "It was a shameful situation caused by evil people. And he resisted. We all resisted together. "

Dr. Blasey, 51, a professor of psychology in California, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee at a small party in high school in the early 1980s, drunk drunk Kavanaugh drunk him into a reads, tried to undress. and covered her mouth when she screamed. Deborah Ramirez, 53, a classmate at Yale University, told F.B.I. that he exposed her genitals at a dormitory evening. Judge Kavanaugh, 53, denied the allegations.

Polls have suggested that the main rift above Judge Kavanaugh was that of partisans rather than sex: Republican women believed him almost as much as Republican men, while Democratic men believed accusers almost as much as Democratic women. The real gender gap is among the self-employed, where men are more likely to side with justice and women with Dr. Blasey and Ms. Ramirez.

"Trump was already producing a record number of Democrats," said Republican strategist Alex Conant. "Anyone who would strongly oppose Kavanaugh would certainly not vote Republican in November anyway. The big unknown is whether Kavanaugh will become Republican in November in a way that Trump could not accomplish alone. "

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