The White House Trump … calling for an increase in the number of beds in detention centers hosting immigrant families. Nick Cardona de Veuer has this story.

On Sunday, President Donald Trump reiterated his argument for suppressing undocumented immigrants, tweeting that "zero tolerance" is right and gives preference to those who "legally wait their turn".

"We can not allow all these people to invade our country," Trump said on Twitter. "When someone enters, we must immediately, without judges or trials, bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery of immigration and law and the law. ;order."

Under zero tolerance, undocumented adult immigrants who have not crossed the legal entry points are arrested and separated from their children. Trump's tweets came hours after federal officials released a plan Saturday night to reunite migrant children with their parents in a Texas mass detention center. The US Department of Homeland Security has indicated that mergers may not take place until the expulsion procedure of a parent is complete.

On Twitter on Sunday, Trump once again criticized US immigration laws, calling them "mockery" to law and order.

"Our immigration policy, joked around the world, is very unfair to all those who have been through the system legally and who have been waiting in line for years! he said. "Immigration must be based on merit – we need people who will help make America even more beautiful!"

More: The Trump administration publishes a plan to reunite migrant children with their parents

More: Trump says that he likes the issue of immigration in this election

More: Social Media Illuminate After the Restaurant Disbanded Sara Huckabee Sanders

The enemies of "zero tolerance" rally in border towns

Voto Latino and other activists gathered in the border town of Tornillo Texas to demand that the Trump administration repair the humanitarian crisis that Trump's policies have created. Hundreds of protesters, including activist actor Rob Reiner and former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Julian Castro, have chanted "free children now" and "united people will never be divided" at port of entry of Marcelino Serna. "It's a question about what's right and what's wrong," Castro said. In nearby McAllen, protesters continued their hunger strike for a second day, joined by actress and mother, Evan Rachel Wood, of Westworld. Fast participants do not eat for 24 hours, then "pass" the strike to someone else. The organizers plan to continue the fast for 24 days to honor the approximately 2,400 children separated from their parents.

Trump loves immigration as an election issue

Trump told Republicans in Nevada that he needs a GOP convention to continue his program on immigration and other articles. "I like the election issue too: our problem is strong borders, no crime, their problem is open borders, let MS-13 everywhere in our country," Trump said at GOP convention in Las Vegas Saturday night. Democrats, however, say that Trump's administration practices – including detention of children in cage-type facilities – are cruel and inhumane and will resonate with voters.

Red Hen takes heat to start Sanders

Social media was buzzing on Sunday after the informal eviction of Sarah Huckabee Sanders from a Virginia restaurant. The Red Hen's Facebook page in Lexington was full of comments, largely bitterly criticizing owner Stephanie Wilinson's decision Friday night to get her hands with the White House press in the rustic community's premises, 200 miles south West of Washington. "Show the true love and tolerance of the left," commented Rick Elliott. "May you become the center of a physical illness corresponding to your moral decay."

Contribute: Trevor Hughes; David Jackson; Daniel Borunda, El Paso Times

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