Trump went Snape on the truth this week


At rallies across the country this week, President Donald Trump has made multiple misleading statements aimed at feeding his base.

Faced with bipartisan indignation of his family separation policy, Trump maintained his anti-immigration stance. tell his supporters at rallies that he is on their side and that he eliminates the crime. But he really defends false progress and fights a version of Big Government that does not exist.

At a June 23 rally in Nevada, Trump falsely claimed that the construction of his border wall had already begun in San Diego. The work there is actually fencing replacements, not the 30-foot concrete wall construction that Trump proposed during his campaign. Congress authorized the repair of fences with a $ 1.6 billion omnibus bill, which Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) stated explicitly in March did not fund a "border security wall."

President's remarks at a rally in South Carolina on Monday were Even more blatant.Trump said that he had rejected a request to add 5,000 judges to the border after "they" came into his office.But we do not know who they are, and he n & # 39; There was no public report of such a meeting.

"They came to see me three days ago and they said to me," Sir, we would like you to sign this order. "," Trump told his audience. "What's the order? "We need 5,000 border judges." I said, "Judges? Which other country has judges? I said, "How much do we have now? They did not even know. So we have thousands of judges and now we will have 5,000. "

In fact, there are about 334 immigration judges currently serving, not" thousands "as Trump claims. In addition, according to Dana Leigh Marks, president emeritus of the National Association of Immigration Judges, only 365 judges would be needed to eliminate the backlog of cases. fundamental constitutional rights such as due process require unnecessary resources. But this only gave the impression that he had no idea of ​​the judicial system of immigration.

On Monday, he also reiterated the false assertion that "Democrats want open borders." Democrats opposed building a wall, citing inefficiency and the need to take action more profitable, but supported a law that would strengthen border security in other ways.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) Rejects Idea that Democrats want open borders. "No, we care about the border," she said at an audition last week. "We care about protecting our country."

At a rally in North Dakota on Wednesday, Trump accused Maxine Waters' representative (D-Calif.) of inciting physical attacks on White House officials, which was a lie.

"I mean, [Waters] practically told people the other day of assault," Trump said. "Can you imagine if I said things she said?"

Waters had actually encouraged people to publicly confront White House officials. She later clarified that she had "called the wrong person" and that she had been looking for "peaceful protests".

"Let's get ourselves where we need to be," said Ms. Waters. "And if you see some of this Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, in a gas station, you go out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them." And you tell them that they are no longer welcome, no matter where. "

Although Trump has said that he has never threatened violence against people with whom he is not in danger. His story of Twitter says the opposite

. he beat a man whose face was a CNN logo.

He said that a protester of Black Lives Matter at a rally of 2015 should have been "mistreated" and urged his supporters to "pull out the crap" of the other protesters. at his gatherings. He even offered to pay the legal fees of people who were in trouble for violent acts against the protesters.

The president also criticized Wednesday Canada's trade policies, saying immediately after that he did not really know what Canada's trade policies were.

"John and Kevin gave me something, they told me that," he said as he began to read on a map, probably referring to Senator John Hoeven (RN.D.) and to Representative Kevin Cramer (RN .D.).

"Canadian wheat markets are consistently discriminating against US wheat by classifying it as animal feed," says Trump. He added, "Do you know what that means, they know what it means, I do not know what it means, I just know it's a bad deal. what does it mean? "

Trump failed to tell the truth even when it was simple historical facts. "When we won the state of Wisconsin, it was not won by a Republican since Dwight D. Eisenhower," Trump said at an event in Wisconsin on Thursday. In fact, two other Republicans – Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan – both won Wisconsin after Eisenhower.

Although Trump frequently lies, his proclamations were greeted with loud applause at rallies.

The president's lies this week were not limited Wednesday, the Supreme Court ruled that public sector employees represented by unions could not be required to pay union dues.

Trump's tweets in the celebration mixed what the judges had actually decided. By law, public sector employees did not have to pay for the political activity of their unions; the new decision means that employees can not be required to pay for bargaining or representation either.

Trump also tweeted that former Attorney General Michael Mukasey said that there was a surveillance on the Trump Tower was "probably okay" "- maybe a reference to the remarks made by Mukasey in March. However, despite what Trump and Mukasey have said, the Department of Justice has found no wiretap evidence at Trump Tower until the 2016 elections.

In his attacks on night talk show hosts this week, Trump asserted that "The Tonight Show host, Jimmy Fallon , had called him and said that Trump had boosted the show's ratings. Trump made this request after Fallon apologized in an interview to "normalize" Trump in a 2016 segment in which Fallon ruffled Trump's hair as a candidate.

Fallon responded to Trump's claim this week by saying: In my life, I do not have his number, I do not want his number. Donald, I do not know if you've seen my grades in the last two years, but you have not helped. "

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