Trump Whines about Twitter, says the growth of its followers was a "rocket ship", now an "airship"


President Donald Trump tweeted how his Twitter annoys him this morning, complaining that the number of subscribers has declined and that the site has "stifled growth to a point where it is obvious to all."

"A few weeks ago, it was a rocket, now it's an airship! Total Bias? "Read Trump's tweet Friday morning.

Many on the site have a lot to say about the tweet:

Despite the crises in the world this week, it is not uncommon for Trump to speak publicly about Twitter on Twitter. In the middle of his daily messages on the platform, he often shares his grievances.

On Friday morning, next to his Twitter tweet, Trump tweeted a conspiracy theory about a series of bombing mailings sent to CNN and some of his high profile critics and his feelings about unauthorized immigration.

In reference to his subscriber account, a site that follows subscribers – Twitter Counter – indicates that the number of Trump subscribers has remained stagnant for the last four days. However, another site, Socialbakers, shows that Trump followers have declined slightly during this period.

As journalist Aaron Blake put it, "Internet metrics can be questionable and inconsistent."

In addition, all this refers to Twitter's ongoing efforts to purge its site of fake accounts and inactive accounts. In June, the platform announced that it was going to ask new users to confirm phone numbers and emails, as well as check existing users.

In July, many users saw these efforts overnight, when accounts have lost hundreds and thousands of followers, even millions, as a result of the elimination of robots. Aly Pavela, a spokeswoman for Twitter, told The New York Times that "the work to eliminate accounts from user accounts will continue over the next few days."

The Times noted that Trump had lost about 340,000 subscribers during Twitter's purge, dropping it to 53 million against 53.4 million. Twitter did not specify what was affecting his account this week, but a spokesman told HuffPost:

"We focus on the health of the service, which includes removing false accounts to prevent malicious behavior. Many important accounts have seen the number of followers drop, but the result is greater confidence that followers are true hires. "

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