Trump: "Who is attacked more than me?"


Donald Trump

President Donald Trump lamented the fact that media coverage of gas bombs eclipsed his proposal to cut Medicare drug prices earlier this week and that she had "only a very limited coverage" | Susan Walsh / AP Photo

President Donald Trump worried about cable networks Friday, saying he was being "attacked perhaps more than anyone else" soon after calling for national solidarity in the face of the fear of explosives. potential sent to some of his most prominent critics.

"Thinking about it, who is attacked more than me?" He asked the crowd, mostly of conservative African-American youth, at the 2018 Young Black Leaders Summit. "I may have been attacking more than anyone. I can do what is best for our country and the networks, it will show badly, "he added, which sparked a" Fake News ", a crowd cry, many of which have been signed by Trump "Make America Great Again".

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"I will not use examples," he said, adding that "today is a very special day", during which the federal authorities arrested a suspect for the attacks on parcels.

In the manner of Trumpian, he turned and looked in the crowd and said, "I can only look at those beautiful, incredible and beautiful faces." Then he warned that "today you are not authorized to use these terms ".

"It is not politically correct," he added, but with determination, "we have to bring that back into the world of things well, is not it?" You do not agree? We will bring that back. "

"A lot of people are jealous of you. And jealousy is a very bad thing. It's naughty. It's disgusting. "

He promised to put the needs of the Americans first, then complained that the rhetoric "America First" is called "racist".

"I said racist? Racist? Why is this racist? S & # 39; he cried. "Is everyone in this room okay? You live in America. America First. "The crowd responded by chanting:" U-S-A! "

In the course of his remarks, Trump went through the rented topics, praising Kanye West and hailing the successes of his administration, particularly in the areas of health, commerce, economics and immigration.

He lamented that media coverage of homemade bombs eclipsed his proposal to reduce Medicare drug prices earlier this week and that she had "only a very limited coverage".

"He did not get the type of coverage that he should have had" because "we are competing" with the history of suspicious packets, he said, but she has also recalled that the cover "could begin to disappear quickly", because the forces of order have arrested a suspect. Friday.

Trump digested for immigration and proclaimed that he would continue to prevent migrants from entering the country, referring to his latest action to deploy the army to the border. "Illegal immigration has been particularly damaging to African-American communities," he said. "We have no borders, we do not have a country."

He began reciting statistics on African Americans and accused the Democrats of not addressing the problem of crime, education, poverty and prison reform, among others. He then recalled his campaign memories during which he fanned the controversy provoked by a provocative question.

"I asked Black Americans to give me a chance" with your vote with "What on earth do you have to lose?" The crowd cheered and many raised their fists in the air.

The president went on to say that his government has dramatically improved the living conditions of African Americans over the last two years, saying that the unemployment level of African Americans, the female unemployment rate and the poverty rate were " the lowest in history. asserted that it would be "terribly difficult" for Democrats to beat him.

"While the Democratic Party is obsessed with resistance, we focus on results," he said. "Where the Democratic Party failed, the Republicans stood up."

"No other president has done as much as we have done in the last two years," he added, again drawing applause from the crowd.

He praised the crowd by describing his work as "historic."

"We love you!" Someone shouted, to which he replied, "I love you too!" After his remarks, he took pictures with the participants.

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