Trump, Xi meeting in November getting on track


President TrumpTrumpTrump Donald TrumpTrump Trusts TreachTrumpTrump and Chinese President Xi Jinping are looking for a meeting in the world of business in the Wall Street Journal.

The White House told Beijing that it wants to move forward with a face-to-face meeting at the international gathering in hopes of making up their differences, the WSJ wrote.

Treasury Secretary Steven MnuchinSteven Terner MnuchinDems eye aggressive agenda if House flips New IRS chief sworn in the Hill 12:30 Report – Presented by Citi – Trump wants comprehensive and quick Kavanaugh investigation | Takes victory lap on new NAFTA and Larry Kudlow, National Economic Council Director, are taking the lead in coordinating the meeting of the leaders of the world's two largest economies.

But earlier in the day on Thursday Kudlow sounded less sure that a meeting would happen.

He told CNBC that "there is a lot of discussion about it" and there was some movement towards working on the schedule.

"But it has not been set, but it has not been set," he said. "They have lots to talk about, so we'll see."

Kudlow said the Chinese response is so far to U.S. demands that Beijing make sweeping changes to their economy have been "unsatisfactory."

"Our asks are pretty common sense and Europe shares our view, and Canada shares our view," he said during the CNBC interview.

"I think the Chinese have got to come and say, 'Okay, we're going to change our structure, we're going to abide by the laws and we're going to make a deal that will help the American economy and the American workforce, '"he said.

"They've got to do that.

The U.S. and China puts in an effort to make constructive progress in the field of intellectual property and technology.

But trillions in tit-for-tat tariffs have chilled U.S.-Chinese relations and brought the discussions to a dead stop.

Last month, the Chinese balked at another meeting after Trump hit U.S. imports from China with a new 10 percent rate on $ 200 billion in goods. Beijing retaliated with $ 60 billion in the latest salvo.

Trump said he would raise those tariffs to 25 percent without a U.S.-China deal.

During the summer, the US and China had exchanged about $ 50 billion in tariffs on each other's goods.

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The White House has argued that the tariffs are being used to leverage to force China to make changes to its economy.

U.S. businesses have urged the Trump administration to quickly pursue a solution to relieve them and consumers from the pressures of higher costs.

Trump further ramped up tensions recently by accusing Beijing of meddling in this year's mid-term elections.

Beijing has denied the allegations.

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