Trump's Chief Economic Advisor Reduces Tariffs


Kudlow, whose comments were back on his previous pre-White House on tariffs as a "regressive tax on low-income families," answered a question from Jake Tapper about the state of the economy. CNN Union. agreed with Trump's tweet last week that "the rates are the best!"

"You know, if they are targeted for a good goal, according to China, I think the answer is absolutely yes," replied Kudlow.

Kudlow further noted that his support for targeted rates has always been his point of view.

"Most free traders agree that China has not followed the rules and that the trading system is largely broken because of them," he said. -he says.

Last week, Trump defended his pursuit of tariffs against China as well as allies around the world on Twitter

"Either a country that treats the United States unfairly negotiates a Fair deal, it's that simple – and everyone is talking about … Remember, we're the "piggy bank" that's stolen.While Trump was touting an agreement last week between the United States and the European Union to reduce tariffs and trade barriers after several weeks of escalating trade tensions, its trade war with China had a negative impact elsewhere.

The Administration unveiled $ 12 billion last week for farmers hurt by Chinese retaliation targeting Trump voters, who already have a painful impact on soybean and pork exports.
President deserves to be commended for its recent economic victories, including economic growth of 4.1% in the second quarter of the year – the best since 2014 and a lower unemployment rate than it was since decades.

"I think the president deserves a victory round," said Kudlow. "Low tax rates, stimulus, opening up of energy … a trade reform that I think is already bearing fruit in regards to the agreement from the EU concluded last week. "

  Trump & # 39; s right: The economy is doing well and it deserves some credit