Trump's combative press conference


President praised Republican victories in mid-term elections, including increasing GOP majority in Senate

The president exaggerated how the mediums were a victory for him and the Republicans. As Republicans widened their majority in the Senate, overthrowing several Democrat-dominated seats, Democrats gained a majority in the House of Representatives, regaining vital control powers. And the Republicans lost several other key competitions in the states won by Trump in 2016.

But what Trump liked most was the performance of a handful of Republicans, including two Florida candidates, Ron DeSantis, who leads the election for governor, and Rick Scott, who is ahead of the senator. outgoing Democrat Bill Nelson. a breed that seems likely to be the subject of a recount given the narrow margin. Trump also staged a last minute rally in Missouri for Josh Hawley, which beat incumbent Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill.

The president wondered if he was encouraging white nationalists.

Claim: "Among polls among African Americans, I count among the highest"

Checking the facts: This is wrong.

It is unclear to whom Trump compares his African-American approval rate when he calls it "among the highest," but his approval rate among African Americans remains very low compared to other data. demographic. Trump has only got 8% of the black vote in 2016 and reputable polls in recent months have shown that the overwhelming majority of African Americans disapproved of his presidential job. A Reuters poll revealed that Trump and 16 percent of black Americans approved his presidential job at the end of October.
In comparison, the last Republican President, George W. Bush, saw his approval among African Americans fluctuate, from 32% in 2003 to 16% in 2005, according to Gallup polls.

The president was asked if he would be willing to share a solution against DACA against a broader immigration agreement with Congress.

Affirmation: "We could have done a very good job on DACA, but a judge ruled that DACA was OK, if the judge had not ruled that way, I think we would have reached an agreement."

Verification of the facts: It is difficult to say that it is wrong because no one can say what would have happened without this decision. Here is what we know.

In August, a federal judge decided to preserve the protections of the DACA for undocumented immigrants who came to the United States when they were children. And although the decision was right in the urgency of finding a legislative solution, negotiations on a DACA agreement had already collapsed months before. Although Trump repeatedly seemed willing to accept Democratic offers for an agreement that would include a border security funding, he eventually rejected all their offers and responded with formal requests to restrict legal immigration into the country. the frame of a set.

The President was asked to agree to close the government in order to guarantee the financing of his border wall

Affirmation: The program of the Democrats was trying to give me nothing for the wall.

Checking the facts: mostly wrong

Yes, the Democrats have largely criticized Trump's proposal to build a wall on the southern border. But it is incorrect to say that their entire program was to oppose it. Democrats have also been open to compromise. A bipartisan group of legislators presented Trump with a DACA compromise in January that would offer a year of funding for the anti-border wall, which he rejected. Later that month, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer offered Trump $ 20 billion in extra funding for the anti-border wall under a DACA agreement. Republicans in Congress have also not fully supported the Trump Wall. The president also failed to mention that Congress, held by the Republican party, had passed in March a generalized spending bill (which he had signed) not including any funding for the border wall.

The president was asked if he was considering removing Robert Mueller

Affirmation: "I could have put an end to Mueller's investigation at any time."

Verification of the facts: almost true

Most jurists agree that President Donald Trump has the power to remove Special Advocate Robert Mueller and conduct his investigation to completion. But he should also do so through the intermediary of Mueller's direct superior, who was until Wednesday afternoon Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. The former Chief of Staff Sessions, Matthew Whitaker, is now Acting Attorney General. Unless he recuses himself, he now supervises Mueller. But the president also knows this would open him to charges of obstructing justice, as Democrats like Republicans warn Trump against any interference in Mueller's investigation.

When asked about healing divisions in the country, Trump spoke about the economy and tariffs on Chinese products.

"Billions of dollars will soon pour into our treasury thanks to the taxes that China pays for us".

Verification of the facts: False

It is true that billions of dollars of customs duties are collected and sent to the US Treasury Department, but this money is not paid by China; it is paid for by US companies importing foreign goods subject to customs duties.

The president was questioned about blocking a program to fight against national terrorist groups

Affirmation: "We have allocated funds for this – a lot of funds."

Verification of the facts: This is true, but slightly misleading.

When the Trump government took office, DHS paused grants to community groups to fight violent extremism. The program has been reworked under Sec. John Kelly and eventually $ 10 million in grants were offered to 25 grant programs. Funding for these two-year grants is expected to be completed next September.

It is true that the Department of Homeland Security does not have an immediate plan to extend its funding to community groups that are fighting violent extremism. In addition, the office now known as the Terrorism Prevention Partnerships Office has been reduced in size under the current administration.

However, DHS continues to operate in a variety of ways to prevent national extremism, as well as additional efforts by federal authorities to enforce the law.

To date, the Congress has not allocated additional funds to extend or reissue the grants. When asked if DHS was asking Congress to fund grants beyond 2019, a DHS official, who was not allowed to speak, said, "It does not matter. really part of our funding for the year 19 ".

"But I'm expecting additional evidence that some of these grants are working, it's something that could be reassessed very quickly in the coming months and certainly by the end of this fiscal year," added the responsible.

According to the official, out of the 25 current grants, 16 of them can be used to combat all forms of violent extremism, including internal terrorist movements and foreign influence.

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