Trump's Israeli-Palestinian peace plan will be published "soon" – Axios


White House Middle East peace sends Jason Greenblatt said in a speech at a closed event in London before this week that the US will be ready to publish President Trump's long awaited plan for peace between Israel and the Palestinians, people who attended the event told me.

Timing: On September 26th, Trump puts Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in New York and said he will release his peace plan within two to four months. This means the plan could be released as soon as the beginning of December. White House Greenblatt meant when he said "soon." However, the main challenge for Trump's "peace team" is the fact the Palestinians have cut the White House over the moving of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

The details: At the London event Greenblatt made clear the Israelis and the Palestinians will be compromised. He said: "Neither side will like everything in the plan, but we are both sides to understand why we came to the conclusions that we did – if they are willing to engage."

  • Greenblatt said the Trump administration is not looking for an interim agreement between Israel and the Palestinians and wants to try and change the status quo. "The United States will no longer be interested in the future." We understand that temporary solutions are to be improved. said.

The big picture: In the last several months, the Palestinian leadership has said it will not be possible to engage the Trump administration's peace plan and that the plan will be biased in favor of Israel. Greenblatt tried to push back on this claim explaining. "[b]efore you pass judgment, read the plan from beginning to end. Do not listen to rumors and reports from sources other than the Trump Administration. Judge it is intended to be a comprehensive solution to the conflict. "

A White House official declined to comment on the subject directly saying, "we are not going to check the record of the event."

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