Trump's meeting with Rod Rosenstein could be delayed


WASHINGTON – The White House hinted Thursday that a meeting between President Trump and Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein could be delayed by a few hours or postponed to another day, as the President and his aides would follow suit Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh's testimony and the woman who accused the Supreme Court candidate of being sexually assaulted while in high school.

Trump is scheduled to return to the White House around noon on Thursday from New York, where he attended the United Nations General Assembly. The White House did not say what time the President and Mr. Rosenstein were to meet on Thursday, and there was no public event in the schedule for his return to Washington. In the evening, the president must attend an event with supporters.

After the New York Times reported on Friday that Mr. Rosenstein had suggested secretly recording Mr. Trump to document the White House's chaos in 2017 and raised the issue of the President's dismissal, it was not immediately clear Rosenstein would remain at his post. Mr. Trump announced that the two men would meet Thursday when he returned from New York.

"He will come back here, and there is a lot in his file, including the meeting with the Deputy Attorney General," Kellyanne Conway, advisor to the President, told Fox & Friends a few hours before the Judiciary Committee of the Senate where the judge Kavanaugh and his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, will testify.

"If it's going to be pushed back for a few hours or until the next day, maybe that will be the case," Conway said of the meeting between Trump and Rosenstein. "But they are both committed to talking to each other and to solving this problem once and for all."

Mr. Trump said Wednesday that he was eager to hear what Dr. Blasey had to say during his testimony. He also stated that he would consider postponing their meeting to focus on the procedure of Judge Kavanaugh.

"I want to watch, I want to see, I hope I can watch," Mr. Trump said Wednesday. "I meet a lot of countries tomorrow, but I will certainly be able, in some form, to watch."

The Judiciary Committee of the Senate must vote on the appointment of Judge Kavanaugh on Friday.

Over the weekend, Rosenstein told White House advisers he was ready to step down. On Wednesday, Mr. Trump said that it was not his favorite result and that Mr. Rosenstein had denied information about his willingness to secretly tape the president.

"I am talking to him. We had a good discussion, "said Trump. "He said that he never said it. He said that he did not believe it. He said that he had a lot of respect for me and he was very kind and we will see.

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