Trump's Ministry of Justice Reprimands Imran Awan's Conspiracy Theory


A month ago, when the news of a potential plea agreement for the former Staff member Imran Awan Democratic House began boiling, President Trump took on Twitter to shout out scandal.

"Our Justice Ministry should not let Awan and Debbie Wasserman Schultz get away with it," he wrote. "The IT Democrat The scandal is the key to a lot of the corruption we see today.They want to make an" advocacy agreement "to hide what is on their server.Where's the server? Really bad!"

This same response from the Department of Justice today? To emit a subtle but stinging rebuke from Trump and his cohorts who pushed the conspiracy theories on Awan.

As Shawn Boburg and Spencer S. Hsu of the Washington Post report, federal prosecutors slipped a rather pregnant little section into their plea agreement with Awan – a section that effectively refutes the conservative theories of Trump and the Daily Caller on Awan without directly quoting any of them:

In particular, the government has found no evidence that your client has illegally removed data from the House or offices of the deputies. Stole the Democratic Caucus server from the House, stole or destroy information technology equipment, or accessed or transferred government information, including classified or sensitive information.

Each of these charges may be related to conspirational reports a Pakistani American Trump once called "the mysterious Pakistani man". They do not directly deal with the criminal charges against Awan, but prosecutors are putting them in anyway – obviously eager to ship with the conspiratorial ideas of their own president and media allies, for good measure. The section could be interpreted as a reprimand of the conservative media rather than Trump, but Trump barked the same trees.

To be clear, the paragraph comes after an 18-month investigation conducted not only by Trump's Department of Justice but also by his own candidate for US lawyer Jessie K. Liu. As part of this agreement, Awan pleaded guilty to making a false statement on a bank loan application, a charge for which prosecutors will not recommend imprisonment.

About a year ago, Trump began talking about betrayal involving Awan. Conservative views had been on the case for months, fueled by Awan 's connections to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D – Fla.), A preeminent GOP bogeywoman who had the chance. used to lead the National Democratic Committee. When Awan was arrested just before boarding a plane for Pakistan, the plot only grew – even though he was not charged with conspiracy, but bank fraud.

Everything fits perfectly with Trump's conspiracy allegations. investigation, in addition to his clear doubts about the explanations of his own intelligence community about the DNC hack at the election of 2016.

Trump is unlikely to take his medication and admit that he has oversold the prospect of an Awan scandal. Indeed, one of the hallmarks of conspiracy theories is that each reprimand becomes just the latest evidence of a supposed concealment. The release of the report coincided with Trump's filing of an all-new theory of technology-related conspiracy – that of the National Security Agency removing 685 million phone calls and text messages originating from companies in the United States. telecommunications in the context of various surveys. The NSA has removed 685 million phone calls and text messages, "tweeted Trump." Violations of privacy? They accuse the technical irregularities. Such a disgrace. The witch hunt continues! "

If anything, he shows that Trump is happy to continue to accuse his own government, regardless of the fragility of the facts He also shows them that those around him – and even those he named – are increasingly feeling the need to do something about it

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