Trump's plans for Putin's summit stir up concern


In a demonstration of his growing willingness to flout the diplomatic convention and the concerns of American allies, Trump apparently intended to meet the Russian leader alone, probably with only translators in the room, at the beginning of their Summit in Helsinki, Finland, 16 July.

It is not particularly unusual for presidents to sit down alone with other leaders before more formal diplomatic negotiations involving their delegations. And if a connection between Trump and Putin leads to the collapse of relations between the world's first nuclear powers, it would benefit US national security and the world.

But if Trump decides to go ahead with a tête-à-tête without his delegation in camera, this would be a boost in the eyes of his detractors, given the curiosity and widespread concern in Washington and among US allies regarding relations between the US president and the Russian leader. to order an operation of influence to interfere in the 2016 US elections that have evolved to try to help Trump to win.

Trump, meanwhile, recently gave credit to Russia's refusal of electoral interference, in defiance of the conclusions of his own party. "The Europeans are petrified that he will sell them and he will recognize the illegal annexation of Crimea," said Max Boot, historian and CNN analyst for national security. Kate Bolduan, of the former CNN

Trump's attacks on American allies – which turned the G7 summit in Canada into a debacle – are trying to broaden the divisions of the European Union and to criticize the other institutions of the European Union. The Transatlantic Alliance plays directly in Putin's anti-Western goals
Then there is widespread speculation about whether Russian intelligence agencies have any compromising information about Trump or his relationship. business that could explain his refusal to criticize Putin. the foreign policy positions of the Russian leader

Given all this, it would not be surprising that Trump seeks to avoid any impression that he was under the influence of Putin – for example, a meeting face to face.

But Trump's political career suggests that he will follow the course of action that exasperates his critics the most, and he loathes to yield to the pressure

. Uncertainty hovers over the Trump-Putin summit

Some officials who have worked to hold presidential summits protecting him from a face-to-face meeting with Putin, arguing that he is mismatched with the cunning Russian leader, who was trained by the KGB

It's no secret that the president is not doing well.CNN National Security Analyst, Samantha Vinograd, said on Monday that Trump had ignored the council of not congratulating the Russian leader for his reelection this year.

"If he sits on the other side of the table, Vladimir Putin, is a manipulator and a highly skilled negotiator, there is a good chance that things will go off the rails," Vinograd said. a senior official of the National Security Council in the administration Obama

Will Trump try to impress Putin? ]

Diplomats Working for US allies, stunned by their acrimonious break with Trump at the G7 and his decision to invoke a national security logic to impose tariffs on steel and steel. 39 European aluminum, the summit of Helsinki is concerned.

He will be very enthusiastic about convincing Putin that he will be even more aggressive than expected at the NATO summit in Brussels a few days before he leaves for Helsinki.

Trump will also visit Britain during his trip to Europe, where he suspects Putin is sinking deeply, especially after poisoning with a nerve agent from a former Russian spy and his daughter on British soil, an operation attributed to Kremlin intelligence agencies.

Former British Finance Minister George Osborne told Fareed Zakaria Sunday that Putin-Trump's summit – of which US President is very enthusiastic – would compromise trust in the US administration

" This makes the United States a less reliable partner for the Western account.As Osborne said, the White House contests the idea that there is something sinister in the relationship between Trump and Russia, maintaining the line that no president has been harder on Moscow than Trump.He also says that Trump believes that there is a chance to calm acrimony in the relations with Moscow in order to promote world peace

The President approved the expulsions of 60 Russian diplomats and new sanctions in solidarity with American allies.The poisoning of the former Russian spy, Sergei The White House stresses that Tr UMP has also approved the sale of lethal weapons to the Government of Ukraine, a measure that the Obama administration has not taken.

This was not the first time that the authentically hard line that the administration has sometimes pursued towards Russia The rhetoric and behavior of Trump in recent weeks have only made 39, increase the impression that he prefers Putin's company to that of allies like German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Bolton: Do not Get the "Vapors"

Trump National Security Advisor, John Bolton, said Sunday that no one should have a "vapors case" on the comments of the president. and Russia.

"The main reason for having a bilateral meeting between Trump and Putin: Let them discuss these issues and see exactly where there might be progress, or where they might find that it is not necessary." There is no place "on" Fox News Sunday. "

But in another appearance, on CBS's "Face the Nation", Bolton did not rule out the possibility that Trump might recognize the annexation of Crimea.

"The president does politics, I do not do politics," said Bolton.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders offered a clearer statement of US policy on Monday.

"We do not recognize Russia's attempt to annex Crimea with Russia on this front and our sanctions against Russia remain in Crimea in place until Russia makes the peninsula in the Ukraine. "

But Trump's critics worry that the established US political stances and senior officials' advice do not mean much when the president enters a room with Putin.

When Trump emerged from his meeting with Kim, for example The Asian Allies and his own staff announcing the cessation of military maneuvers of the United States and South Korea who have long exasperated Pyongyang [19659031] Trump seems to justify Kim's brutal actions and says that he is very clever […] 19659036] Trump seems to justify Kim's brutal actions and says that he is very clever and ” class=”media__image” src=””/>

Such concessions are why a one-on-one encounter between Trump and Putin is a wild card.

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