Trump's presence is felt in the heated debate of Florida's governors


Florida Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, left, shakes hands with Democratic nominee Andrew Gillum after a debate at CNN in Tampa on Sunday. (Chris O 'meara / AP)

President Trump was not on stage in Florida, but he played an important role in the governor's controversial debate about the governor Sunday night.

Former Republican Congressman Ron DeSantis, whose downline was propelled by Trump to victory in the primary, had claimed that his links with the Trump administration put him better able to collaborate with the federal government as his Democratic opponent, Andrew Gillum, who called for the dismissal of the president.

Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee, said DeSantis is a "stooge" for Trump and has called a different tone in Florida than the one the president imposed on the nation.

"In Trump's America, we were led to believe that we had to walk on our neighbor's shoulder, face to face, in the back to move forward. Well, I reject that, "said Gillum towards the end of the one hour debate that has been broadcast live by CNN since Tampa.

Previously, DeSantis had diverted a question from moderator Jake Tapper of CNN, who wanted to know he considered Trump as a good role model for kids. DeSantis ended up talking about his approval of the administration's decision to transfer the US Embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

After DeSantis had finished speaking, Gillum pretended to confuse the matter, prompting Tapper to repeat it.

"Donald Trump is weak," Gillum said. "And he does what all weak people do: they become bullies and Mr. DeSantis is his sidekick. He tries to be Trump 's apprentice every turn. He tweets on him and talks to him. He is coming. He compliments him. "

Trump lost little time writing on Twitter Sunday night, saying DeSantis "had won a big debate tonight against Andrew Gillum, a mayor who chairs one of Florida's most corrupt and corrupt cities. ".

"Ron will continue the momentum of Governor Rick Scott," added Trump, referring to the Republican President in search of a seat in the US Senate. "Gillum will make Florida the next Venezuela!"

DeSantis, who was hanging around in the polls, made some of the same allegations in a pugnacious opening statement, calling Gillum "a failed mayor" who advocates policies that are too liberal for Florida, including a health care plan "Medicare for all ".

"He presided over a city marked by crime," said DeSantis. "He is involved in corruption. He is not the type to lead our state. "

Tallahassee County has Florida's highest crime rate, but the numbers have improved over its term, Gillum said.

An FBI investigation into public corruption in Tallahassee is underway. Gillum repeatedly reiterated that the FBI had informed him that he was not in the center of the probe.

In the Sunday night debate, the two candidates also discussed their environmental credentials, with Gillum calling DeSantis "environmentalist of the election year" and DeSantis claiming that he has battle scars that prove that he is not in trouble. he is ready to stand up to his party.

DeSantis also raised accusations that he sought to inject the breed into the countryside. In the wake of his victory in the GOP primary, DeSantis warned that a win, but Gillum – who would be the first black governor of Florida – could "give a boost to that" for the state.

DeSantis strongly denied that his comment was about race, saying "Floridians can know that I will be the governor of all Floridians".

Gillum offered a different take.

"He has only continued, during his campaign, to draw as much attention as possible to the color of my skin," said Gillum. "The truth is, I've been black all my life. As far as I know, I will die in black. "

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