The 6th US Court of Appeals rejected part of the lawsuits filed by protesters who alleged that then-candidate Donald Trump had incited a crowd to harm them. a 2016 campaign rally in Louisville.

The panel of three judges who heard the case ruled that the protestors' protest did not meet the requirements of the Kentucky law for "incitement to riot".

In addition, two of the judges felt that even if the claims were valid under state law, Trump's words to the crowd for "removal from them" were protected by the Constitution.

"… Trump's speech has the protection of the first amendment, because it did not specifically advocate action without imminent law," reads a notice filed Tuesday by the court.

Protesters Henry Brousseau, Kashiya Nwanguma and Molly Shah filed a lawsuit against the president and others shortly after the March 1, 2016 rally at the Kentucky International Convention Center.

They claimed that they had the intention to protest peacefully but were assaulted, pushed and pushed by Trump supporters after the candidate repeatedly said "get them out of here."

The Kentucky plaintiffs claimed that audience members Matthew Heimbach, Alvin Bamberger and other participants were underlined by Trump.

Heimbach and Bamberger are both accused in the federal trial and have stated in court documents that they acted at Trump's request to remove the disruptive protesters.

Dan Canon, one of the plaintiff's attorneys, said he respects the decision "but will require further examination". He noted that some parts of the lawsuit would still be going on at the US District Court in Louisville.

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"Mr. Trump, throughout his campaign, deliberately used crowd violence to repress dissident speeches – the kind of basic speech that the first amendment traditionally protects," Canon said in part in a statement. . "The opinion of the Court today gives him a free pass for this behavior …"

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The Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, nominated a supporter and told him he also liked them at a Super Tuesday rally in Louisville. March 1st, 2016. (Photo: by Pat McDonogh, Chief Justice)

Trump's lawyers maintained that his remarks were protected by the First Amendment and he did not advocate violence against disruptive protesters, noting that he also said "Do not hurt them." . "

Judge David McKeague, author of the notice, emphasized Trump's instruction not to hurt the protesters, saying his remarks "explicitly denied" any involvement in the violence.

"If words make sense, the warning" not to hurt them "can not be reasonably interpreted as an incentive to" harm them "."

Trump's lawyers appealed to the United States Court of Appeals in November 2017, after Judge David Hale of the US District Court ruled in March 2017 that the complaint of inciting the riot could Carry on.

Both McKeague and Richard Griffin JJ. Found that Trump's words were protected by the First Amendment, noting that their comments were the focus of their assessment, not how the crowd supporters reacted to them.

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The third judge who heard the case, Helene White, wrote that the court should not have decided on the issue since they had already ruled that the claim did not meet the requirements of the Kentucky law.

"Although the majority opinion eliminates some of the salient details of Trump's speech which makes it a closer case than the majority and insists on the legal meaning of the" do not hurt "statement, I nevertheless subscribe to the overthrow …" White wrote.

The three judges of the sixth circuit, based in Cincinnati, were appointed by former President George W. Bush.

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