Trump's "Space Force" is not a crazy idea: Neil deGrasse Tyson


Neil deGrasse Tyson, a famous stargazer, said that President Trump's dream of creating a "space force" was not a "crazy idea" after all.

The astrophysicist and the author stated that the defense of the nation's assets – which should include outer space – was a "fundamental element of what a sovereign country was".

"So it's not a crazy idea," Tyson said in CBS News' weekly podcast "The Takeout".

"Many of Trump's enemies want to hate anything that comes out of Trump's mouth. I am an academic; I analyze everything. And it's not automatically because it comes out of Trump's mouth that it's a crazy idea. "

In June, Trump announced that he was asking the Pentagon to create a Space Force, a sixth branch of the army that would protect American spaceships and astronauts as the cosmos became more congested.

"This is a giant step to inspire future generations and to recover America's proud destiny in space," Trump said at the time.

Tyson suggested that the Space Force should also be dedicated to the protection of Earthmen – asteroids and space debris.

The Space Force could cost $ 13 billion in the agency's first five years and has 13,000 members when it launches, according to an Air Force memo released last month.

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