Trump's space force would cost $ 13 billion in the first five years: air force memo


According to an internal memo from the Air Force, the "Space Force", the so-called US branch of US President Donald Trump, would cost taxpayers nearly $ 13 billion in its first five years of operation.

September 14 document, signed by Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson, describes the proposed "Space Force Department" as "a lethality-driven organization that will implement space superiority capabilities," reported Reuters .

The Space Force could have more than 13,000 employees, estimates the Air Force. The cost of the new military service would be about $ 3.3 billion in the first year and $ 12.9 billion over five years, according to the memo.

The memo also revealed that the Department of Defense and the intelligence community would probably undergo a massive reorganization if the Space Force was approved, according to the Los Angeles Times. On the one hand, the budget and the mission of the air force, currently responsible for space, could be significantly reduced.

The Trump administration announced last month its intention to launch Space Force by 2020. Congressional approval will be required first, however.

"The president has clearly communicated his desire for a military department for space," Wilson wrote in the new memo of the Air Force, by AP. "Strategic competition with Russia and China is central to our approach."

According to the memo, the plan would be to create a headquarters for the new Space Force by 2020 and make it fully operational the following year.

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