Trump's Supreme Court search begins, with youth a key factor


WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump has already said that he planned to choose a young Supreme Court justice who could serve for decades. But other factors will come into play as the candidates are judged: their ideological tendency, their ability to win confirmation and even if, according to one key advisor, they are "not weak".

quickly to replace the retired Judge Anthony Kennedy, despite Democrat protests. Trump said that he could start interviewing candidates this weekend and is already considering two women. A final decision, he said, will be announced on July 9th. Here are some of the factors at play:


One thing is certain since President Donald Trump is studying potential candidates for the Supreme Court: Age counts. The president wants conservatives in the federal justice system not only in the years to come, but in the coming decades.

Trump's first choice in the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, is the youngest judge at 50. Gorsuch was the youngest candidate since Clarence Thomas, who was 43 when he was confirmed in 1991.

Age tends to be important for presidents because they want their candidates serve as long as possible. The current record for the longest service at the Supreme Court is held by William O. Douglas, who served for 36 years from 1939 to 1975. Among the members of the current court, Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the only judge to join the court after celebrating

Trump's affinity for younger judges is also evident in his other appointments to the federal judiciary. The average age of circuit court appointments that he made in his first year was 49, and for district judges, the average age was 51 years old.

Judges Thomas Hardiman of Pennsylvania, who was seriously considered for the seat eventually filled by Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh, who serves on the Federal Court of Appeal in Washington and is a former Kennedy Law Clerk.

Other important names that could be considered include judges Amy Coney Barrett, who Trump appointed at the federal court of appeal in Chicago; Raymond Kethledge, a former Kennedy law clerk who sits at the Cincinnati Court of Appeal; and Amul Thapar, close to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and appointed by Trump to the Cincinnati Court of Appeal

All are under 55, Barrett is the youngest at 46 and Kavanaugh the eldest at 53 years old.


As a candidate, Trump sought to convince social conservatives by emphasizing the role of the Federalist Society in judicial appointments.

"We are going to have good, conservative judges, chosen by the Federalist Society," said Trump during an interview on radio Breitbart News

So, what is the Society Federalist? The organization describes itself as conservatives and libertarians who believe that the separation of powers of the government is at the heart of the Constitution that the duty of the judiciary is to say what is the law, and not What it should be when Ronald Reagan was in the White House was designed as a way of countering what his members viewed as a liberal domination of the nation's law faculties.

] Among Trump's counselors is Leonard Leo, who is on leave from the Federalist Society as vice-president as an external advisor in the selection process.

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said that 39 she would prefer that the meadow Ident expands his search beyond the list of 25 names that the White House has issued, stating that he had already fulfilled his promise of a Federalist Society choice with Gorsuch.



Trump's allies made it clear that he wanted another justice in the Gorsuch mold. "The way he says it, is someone who is quoting" not weak, "Leo said.

A key part of the verification process will likely be the review of the history of the judge's written opinions, said a person familiar with Trump. thinking, who noted that the range of past opinions of Gorsuch impressed Trump.

During the last candidate checking, the White House asked all the contenders that they would choose instead of themselves – and they all said Gorsuch, who was not not allowed to disclose private conversations

With Gorsuch, his work and writing were important, but Trump was also impressed by his educational record and class ranking. 19659027] In the end, the most important consideration for the White House is that the candidate is confirmed.

Senators, especially Democrats, warn the president that he should consult legislators before making a choice. And the White House expresses its optimism that some Democrats will eventually participate.

"We do not see this as a strictly partisan vote," said Marc Short, director of legislative affairs for the White House. the president met privately a handful of legislators who could decide the fate of his appointment.

Democrat Senator Joe Donnelly of Indiana met with the President on Thursday night and reported after they had a productive conversation. Two key Republican women, Collins and Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, filed after Donnelly. Democrats Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota also spoke to Trump

"What do you think?" Trump asked Manchin, the senator recalled. "I said," Mr. Chairman, it's your choice. "

But Manchin said that he warned the president not to pick a candidate who will undertake to undo the historic decision on access to abortion, Roe V. Wade, or even a justice externally opposed to the Affordable Manchin says that he told the president. [19659029TrumptoldreportersonFridaythathewouldnotaskpotentialcandidatesfortheirviewsonabortionrightsandRoevWadeshewouldreviewtheassessmentexperienceand"respectfortheruleoflawandtheConstitution"oftheAmericanBarAssociationcandidate

"What I prefer The judge Kennedy appreciated the fact that he did not identify with any ideological block of the court, but that he was rather a judge who assessed each case, not ideologically, but according to its merits and its respect for the law and the Constitution "

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Catherine Lucey, Lisa Mascaro, Jessica Gresko and Ken Thomas contributed to this report

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