Trump's warnings about the caravan of migrants fall after the elections


WASHINGTON – Did someone say caravan?

A week after polling day, President Donald Trump issued a series of warnings about a caravan of "evil thugs" and potential terrorists seeking to invade the United States from Mexico.

Migrant caravans still march, the largest at about 1,000 miles from the southern border, but Trump – and many conservative media – has drastically reduced the frequency and intensity of their disastrous warnings now that they no longer feel the same urgency to elicit GOP voters.

Trump and his media allies have largely evolved. They are now focusing more on the possibility of electoral quibbles in the reports of the elections to the Senate and the Governor of Florida.

In the west wing and in the orbit of Trump's allies, it would appear that the caravan was a useful mid-term messaging tool, which became the central element of a strategy. 11-hour pre-election, inspired by the 2016 President's campaign promises to crack down on illegal immigration, according to four White House officials and outside advisers who are not allowed to speak privately in private.

But once the elections are over, the president's attention is turned elsewhere, officials said and advisers said.

For weeks before the election, the caravan was a dominant story. It is believed that the largest caravan was formed in Honduras on October 12 and was first introduced in a segment of "Fox & Friends" four days later, prompting the most famous fan of the series to issue a tweet.

In the run-up to the mid-session, Trump and his conservative allies flooded the area with harsh speeches and radical proposals, including sending troops to the border, revoking citizenship, and advertising. A Latino man convicted of murdering two police officers, widely condemned for racism. .

But the caravan was Trump's favorite topic of conversation. During his final electoral blitz, he hammered night after night at the threat and, without any evidence, suggested that Democrats support – and perhaps fund – the march of the migrants.

"Democrats invite illegal foreign caravans to invade our country, overwhelming your schools, your hospitals and your communities," Trump said in Fort Wayne, Indiana, on the eve of the elections. "If you want more caravans, if you want more crime, vote for the Democrats tomorrow, if you want strong borders and safe communities, no drugs, no caravans, vote Republican."

Trump also resumed his rhetoric on Twitter. A tweet said, "We will NOT let these caravans, which are also made up of very bad thugs and gang members, enter the US Our border is sacred, must enter legally." TURN AROUND!

This tweet, October 31, was the last on the subject. Since the election, he has only invoked the caravan one time. Asked about this at a press conference last Wednesday, Trump said, "I'm not just talking about caravans" when he talks about militarizing the southern border and his proposed wall.

Thousands of Central America's migrants from the largest caravan have leapt forward into western Mexico, despite the prospect of a hostile border reception. Most seemed to want to travel north along the Pacific coast road to the border town of Tijuana, which was still about 2,300 kilometers away.

On Friday, Trump signed a proclamation restricting asylum requests but did it with fanfare and without cover in the press before leaving for a trip to Paris. The White House did not respond to a request for comment on whether other immigration measures were imminent.

"Obviously, this was a waterfall that was taking place on the eve of the elections and was intended to create a base that did not really have any foundation, in fact, once the elections were over, it was not no need to continue beating these drums, "said Mark Feldstein, general manager. Professor of Journalism at the University of Maryland. He added that what the conservative media did with this story was "really toxic" and divided an already polarized country.

"The very fact that they abandoned it so suddenly is further confirmation of the falsity of the story," Feldstein said.

Fox News spent more than 33 hours discussing the caravan during election day, according to a study by Media Matters, a progressive media monitoring organization. On November 7, the day after the election, Fox did not discuss the caravan. According to the study, the network spent four minutes and 57 seconds discussing the caravan.

Some Republicans said that the disappearance of the caravan in the spotlight was a natural part of the electoral cycle.

"Every election raises a series of problems that reach artificial heights and, once the votes are cast, return to normal," said Ari Fleischer, former press secretary to President George W. Bush. "Both parties are doing it.This is not a false and misleading question.The caravan will come back in the news as soon as it gets closer to the border."

Trump had suggested sending up to 15,000 soldiers to the border; there are currently around 1,000 border people and 4,800 others in nearby assembly areas. Deployment is scheduled to end on December 15th, but this could be modified, expanded, or shortened.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis plans to travel to the border on Wednesday. A reporter asked him Tuesday whether the military mission along the southern border of Texas would change, now that the main caravan of migrants in Mexico is moving much further west.

"For now, the mission is exactly what it is," he said. "We will have to see what the future holds for us, but for now, it's my only mission."

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