Tuesday's primaries test the power of Trump's approval in GOP contests


In South Carolina, Governor Henry McMaster – who Trump has been campaigning for Monday night – will face John Warren, a businessman who has been endorsed by third and fourth places in the primary two weeks earlier.

In New York, GOP representative Dan Donovan faces a challenge from the criminal and former representative Michael Grimm. Trump supported Donovan, but Grimm is considered the most Trump candidate.

Colorado, Maryland, Mississippi, the state of New York, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Utah are holding elections on Tuesday – with flows to South Carolina and Mississippi and primaries elsewhere.

Colorado and Oklahoma will choose candidates to replace their outgoing governors, Democrat John Hickenlooper in Colorado and Republican Mary Fallin in Oklahoma.

New York only holds its federal primaries. That makes the battle between Donovan and Grimm on Tuesday at the head of the bill. The clash between Democratic governor Andrew Cuomo and actress and activist Cynthia Nixon will not take place until September.

The main issue of Tuesday's primaries is Trump's influence on his party's primary constituents. As last year's second-round tour of the US Senate in Alabama between interim Senator Luther Strange and Roy Moore, Republicans sometimes preferred candidates whom they consider to be closer to the mark. Trump's foreign policy – even if it means breaking with Trump.

McMaster got the job because Trump appointed former governor Nikki Haley as his US ambassador to the United Nations. And McMaster was one of the first supporters of Trump within the party.

Trump told supporters in South Carolina that a McMaster defeat would be described by the "false news" as being "humiliating" for the president.

"So please, get your asses out tomorrow and vote," Trump said.

In New York, Donovan will face Grimm, who is preparing an offer of return after a stay in a federal prison for tax evasion.

A Siena College poll found that 54 percent of GOP primary voters believe Grimm would work better with Trump, even though the president has approved Donovan.

"There is no one better to represent the people of New York and Staten Island (a place I know very well) than @RepDanDonovan, who is strong on Borders & Crime, loves our military and our vets, has voted for Tax Cut and help to make America even more beautiful, Dan has my full approval! Trump said on Twitter at the end of May.

He continued, "Very important, @RepDanDonovan will win for the Republicans in November … and his opponent will not remember Alabama. We can not take a chance to lose to a controlled Democrat Nancy Pelosi!"

The winner of Tuesday's primary will face Max Rose, a veteran of combat who is on the red-to-blue list of high-level challengers of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

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