Turkey records Khashoggi's death to Saudis, United States and Great Britain – Erdogan


Khashoggi was killed after entering the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul on October 2 to obtain documents for his wedding.

Speaking before his departure to Paris for the commemorations of the First World War, Erdogan said: "We have transmitted the recordings.We gave them to Saudi Arabia, the United States, the Germans, to the French and the English – we gave them all. "

He did not specify what was on the recordings.

Exclusive: Khashoggi's sons make an emotional appeal for the return of their father's body

Erdogan said the murderer (s) would be known to the 18 suspects identified by the Turkish authorities, including 15 men from Saudi Arabia shortly before Khashoggi's death.

He again called on Saudi Arabia to provide answers about what happened to Khashoggi and his body., which has not been found yet.

Erdogan previously asked Saudi Arabia to hand over the 18 suspects for prosecution in Turkey, but the kingdom insisted that those responsible for Khashoggi's death be tried in Saudi Arabia.
The Turkish chief prosecutor said 10 days ago that Khashoggi had been strangled as soon as he entered the Saudi consulate, as part of a premeditated plan, and that his body had been dismembered.

Erdogan's confirmation that records relating to Khashoggi's death have been handed over to key international actors is the latest of a host of information published by Turkey in the weeks following the disappearance of the journalist.

The revelations from the Turkish side have kept diplomatic pressure on Saudi Arabia so that it explains what happened.

The Saudis have presented shifting stories about the fate of the journalist, denying knowing everything before saying that a group of rogue operators, many of whom belong to the restricted circle of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, are responsible for the death of Khashoggi. The Saudi Attorney General then admitted that Khashoggi had been killed in a premeditated murder.

Riyadh claimed that neither Salman nor his father, King Salman, were aware of the operation to target Khashoggi. US officials have stated that such a mission – including the 15 men sent from Riyadh – could not have been carried out without the permission of bin Salman, the country's de facto leader.

After Saudi Arabia acknowledged that Khashoggi had been killed in his Istanbul consulate, five top officials were removed from office, including Ben Salman's media chief and the deputy chief of intelligence services. Saudis. Eighteen people were arrested.
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