Turkey Reminder: What You Need to Know for Thanksgiving


We talk a lot about turkey before Thanksgiving week.

While many are buying turkeys for the summer holidays, Jennie-O has recalled more than 91,000 pounds of minced turkey that may contain salmonella.

The salmonella epidemic linked to raw turkey has made 164 people sick in 35 states since last November.

FSIS, the CDC and the Arizona Department of Health Services conducted tests on a package of turkey Jennie-O found at a patient's home.

FSIS stated that the patient tested positive for Salmonella and that the turkey at Salmonella corresponded to the multi-state Salmonella epidemic strain.

Health officials said raw turkey products from many sources were contaminated, including ground turkey and turkey patties, and warned that other products from other companies could also be recalled. .

"There are many other people in the epidemic who report different types of products, different manufacturers and brands," said Sean Buuck, an epidemiologist with the Minnesota Department of Health.

Until now, the epidemic has not yet been officially connected to whole turkeys, like the ones you've used to use for Thanksgiving, but Buuck says it's It is possible that your holiday birds are contaminated because the salmonella outbreak is so prevalent.

"We want people to keep in mind to properly prepare their turkey and handle it carefully to avoid cross-contamination," Buuck said.

The Minnesota Turkey Growers Association also encourages cooks to pay special attention to their turkeys during Thanksgiving.

"We want to make sure that they cook it at the proper temperature, that is 165 degrees, and that they handle it properly by separating raw products from cooked products," said Steve Olson, executive director of Minnesota. Turkey Growers Association.

The growing turkey industry industry is expected to produce more than 42 million turkeys this year.

According to Olson, customers are making a good deal with turkey this year, as prices are lower than usual because of this season's large supply.

With respect to this latest recall, raw ground turkey products were manufactured on September 11 and shipped to stores across the country.

Here are the recalled products (click here to see the packaging labels):

  • 1 lb packages of "Jennie-O GROUND TURKEY 93% LEAN | 7% FAT" with "Use by" dated 10/01/2018 and 10/02/2018.
  • 1 lb. packets of "Jennie-O TACO SEIZED EARTH TURKEY" with an expiry date of 02/02/2018.
  • 1 lb. packets of "Jennie-O GROUND TURKEY 85% LEAN | 15% FAT" with the use by 02/02/2018.
  • 1 lb. packages of "Jennie-O ITALY TURKEY MOLDED SEASONED" with the expiry date 02/02/2018.

The CDC has published the following safety tips to prevent salmonella infection by raw turkeys:

  • Wash your hands before and after the preparation and consumption of food.
  • Thoroughly cook the raw turkey at an internal temperature of 165 ° F. The remains must also be warmed to this temperature.
  • Do not sprinkle raw turkey sprouts in food preparation areas.
  • Thaw the turkey in the refrigerator, in the sink or in the microwave. Do not thaw it by leaving it on the counter.
  • The CDC does not recommend feeding animals with raw foods.

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