Turkey warns oil companies against drilling near Cyprus | News from the world


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan warned foreign oil companies against energy exploration near Cyprus, describing those who defy Ankara as "bandits of the sea" who would face a reaction similar to that of his enemies in Syria.

The drilling of hydrocarbon resources off Cyprus, member of the EU, is extremely sensitive. The northern third of the island is occupied by Turkey, which invaded the city in 1974 as a result of a coup to unify the island with Greece. The separatist party has been declared to be the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), recognized only by Ankara. UN – supported reunification efforts have failed.

"We will pay the terrorists in Syria, we will not let the scene to the bandits of the sea," Erdoğan said when ordering a Turkish warship, the TCG Burgazada.

Over the past two years, Turkey has successfully conducted military campaigns in Syria against the Kurdish militia and Islamic State jihadists, who have placed part of the north of the country under the control of forces favorable to Ankara.

Foreign energy companies such as ExxonMobil in the United States, ENI in Italy and Total in France have all announced their willingness to participate in energy drilling near Cyprus, in defiance of Erdoğan's previous warnings.

Erdogan said: "Those who thought they could take a step in the Eastern Mediterranean or the Aegean Sea in defiance of Turkey have now begun to understand their grave mistake. It is absolutely unacceptable to usurp the natural resources of the Eastern Mediterranean excluding Turkey and the TRNC. "

Analysts warned that the situation was extremely flammable and that a false move could lead to a large-scale confrontation. In February, a drill ship hired by ENI to explore the coast of Cyprus abandoned its mission after Turkish warships blocked its passage.

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