Twitter Deletes Thousands of Bot Accounts That Discourage Democrats from Voting Mid-Term


According to reports in Twitter, Twitter is at work, on the eve of mid-term elections in the United States, its platform of thousands of fake accounts Reuters aujourd & # 39; hui. The report says that Twitter has removed about 10,000 such accounts targeting Democratic voters and masquerading as party members and officials, and continues to monitor its platform for similar activities.

Twitter confirmed to The edge that she deleted these accounts throughout the months of September and October, but the company did not confirm the figure of 10,000 accounts. The tweets were first reported to Twitter by the Democratic Congress Campaign Committee (DNCC), Reuters reports. The DNCC has redoubled efforts to detect and suppress such behaviors on social platforms as a result of the vast campaign of Russian influence that has helped President Donald Trump and sought to harm the Democratic presidential candidate. Hillary Clinton.

"For this year's elections, we have established open lines of communication and direct and easy escalation routes for state election officials, the DHS and the campaign organizations of the two main parties," he said. a representative of Twitter in a statement. "We removed a series of accounts for attempting to share disinformation in an automated way – a violation of our policies. We stopped this quickly and at the source. "

Twitter has also amplified its efforts to fight against robots, misinformation and electoral interference in recent times, with activity on the social networking platform being intensified before the mid-point. Earlier this week, Twitter added a feature to its reporting process that allows users to specify when a specific tweet was sent by a bot account. The company also said in July that it had suspended more than 70 million accounts in May and June alone and was cutting up to 1 million additional accounts per day, which violated the rules on misinformation, propaganda and other forms of coordinated activities. which can be used as a tool for electoral interference.

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