Twitter has removed thousands of accounts discouraging participation in the US vote


According to media reports, Twitter has removed thousands of automated accounts, many of which pretended to be Democrats, which published tweets encouraging US voters to skip Tuesday's crucial mid-term elections.

The reports quote a statement Friday on Twitter, saying the social media company had "removed a series of accounts for attempting to share disinformation in an automated way – a violation of our policies."

CNN said the Democratic Congress campaign committee had alerted Twitter about these accounts, which were removed in late September and early October.

"For this year's elections, we have established open lines of communication and direct and easy escalation routes for the state election officials, the DHS and the campaign organizations of the two main parties. ", the statement said.

Twitter said that it appeared that the network of accounts had been run outside the United States, but did not provide details on the operation of the accounts.

For months, Twitter has sought to eliminate automated and fake accounts designed to manipulate the public conversation on Twitter, in response to concerns about Russia's interference in the 2016 election.

In October, the platform had announced that its number of active users had decreased by nine million during the last quarter thanks to these efforts.

US President Donald Trump recently complained that Twitter was withdrawing some of his supporters.

Twitter issued a statement that the company had removed thousands of accounts for "attempting to share misinformation in an automated way", in violation of the platform rules.

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