Twitter reacts and starts, finance me


That sound you hear is thousands of broken hearts. Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson Fans went to Twitter on Sunday, October 14 to express their thoughts after the announcement of the split of the couple.

As We weekly previously reported, the singer, 25, and the Saturday Night Live The star, 24, decided to stop her engagement after just four months.

"It happened this weekend," said a source We. "They understood that it had happened too quickly and too early. The marriage is canceled, but they solve the problem. They are not yet officially finished. "

"Am I surprised that Pete and Ariana have separated? no. but am I supposed to be happy about it? no. imagine how she is doing now, "tweeted a fan.

"If you celebrate splitting Ariana and Pete, you do not care about Ariana's happiness." Goodbye, "wrote another.

But some thought it was a good thing that the couple, who had been engaged in June, just weeks after starting dating, ended their love story.

"Pete Davidson can now say what he wants without Ariana claiming it," commented one of the commentators.

"Who's in charge of Piggy Smalls?" Asked another pig that the couple recently adopted.

"She's going out with Post Malone Then suggested a fan.

Another fan of Grande asked about "Pete Davidson" the song of the new album of the singer "No Tears Left to Cry". "It's one of the best songs on sweetener, but the name has to go away."

A fan has created a Go Fund Me for the comedian, calling "Pete Davidson Homeless" and seeking to raise $ 2,500. "As you may know, Pete Davidson and his fiancé recently separated. He will need a place to sleep tonight.

Davidson moved into the multi-million dollar Grande apartment in New York soon after becoming engaged.

See more reactions below.

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