Twitter schools in Fox News on 'What Movies Are' after Gun's story stuns Jamie Lee Curtis


People on Twitter mocked Fox News about an online article that seemed to criticize gun actor Jamie Lee Curtis for brandishing a gun in his new movie "Halloween" .

The actions on Curtis' screen contrast with his real personality as a gun control advocate, "Fox News wrote in the article published on Wednesday. She was "one of the many Hollywood actors who use guns in their movies while preaching against them far from the scene," he added.

Curtis has repeatedly called for gun law reform and advocated the prohibition of assault weapons:

Some people on Twitter, responding to the Fox News tweet, claimed that Curtis should not glorify gun violence in his films if he was opposed to the use of firearms in real life.

But most of the people who responded commented that Curtis was playing a fictional role (whose character Laurie Strode was arming himself for the defense of serial killer Michael Myers), and he asked if Fox News actually knew "what are movies "and had" heard about the role ".

"Halloween" will be in the theater on October 19th.

Check out the trailer here:

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