Twitter strikes again millions of suspicious followers


Twitter has again subtracted millions of suspicious followers after their first removal in July this year.

Singer Katy Perry has lost about 861,000 subscribers as a result of the company's crackdown on bogus users, according to the Social Blame social measures company, and Twitter's own account would have lost 2.4 million subscribers. .

According to Twitter, he discovered a bug in which some of these accounts were briefly added, which led to misleading accounts for "very few accounts".

In July, Twitter said, "As part of our ongoing, global effort to build trust and encourage healthy conversation on Twitter, every piece of service counts." The number of followers is a visible feature, and we want everyone has confidence in meaningful and accurate.

"Over the years, we've locked accounts when we've detected sudden changes in account behavior, and in these situations we contact account owners – except if they validate the account and reset their passwords." We'll keep them locked to log in. This week we're going to delete these locked accounts from the number of followers in all profiles, so the number of subscribers on many profiles could be down. "

Samuel Scott, the columnist for The Drum, predicted a new wave of global social media regulation last month.

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