Twitter's reactions to NASA's landing on Mars are out of the ordinary


Twitter is often a horrible grouse party of political anger and trolling. But on Monday, tweeters put their venom aside First landing of NASA over six years brings out the best of the medium.

The InSight mission, launched May 5, 2018, hit the ground successfully, to the relief of millions of people. The mission will study the beginnings of the evolution of terrestrial planets, says NASA.

Reading in progress:
Look at this:

NASA's InSight keeps its Martian landing


The reaction recorded in the NASA control room inspired many tweets.

Columnist and author Drew Magary, of Deadspin, wrote: "Every day should include video footage of a control room filled with scientists bursting with joy."

Two NASA employees presented a handshake in front of the camera that reached an unprecedented level of complexity.

A NASA employee shot the head of the class with his elegant hat.

Naturally, the first photo taken by NASA InSight drew a lot of attention, even though what we were looking at was not entirely clear.

In fact, the photo shows some of the LG and what is probably a collection of dust particles stuck to a dust cover on the camera – but Twitter users have quickly compared the camera to the camera. image to everything from the perfect chocolate pudding to "Guinness in a dirty glass."

The mission itself has a very personal Twitter account, @NasaInSight, giving a voice to the expedition. Until now, the mission explained the reason for its first blurred photo (a lens cap that will be removed later), thanked Vice President Mike Pence for his congratulations and said with joy that Mars was his new country.

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