Two big meat recalls affect cured ham, ground beef


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And in a second outbreak, an Arizona producer recalled 6.5 million pounds of ground beef after 57 people became ill from salmonella.

89,000 pounds of ham produced by Johnston County Hams, Inc. in Smithfield, North Carolina.

The hammaker has made the hams, which were produced from April 3, 2017 through October 2, 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. Any deli or other shop that sliced ​​or sold the hams should clean their equipment thoroughly.

"Return to the store for a refund or throw them away. Restaurants and retailers Johnston County Hams products, "the CDC said.

The United States Department of Agriculture said it was distributed in Maryland, North Carolina, New York, South Carolina, and Virginia. The diseases that have been reported in North Carolina and Virginia.

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