Two cases of pertussis confirmed in Washington State, several possible cases


COUNTY DE GRANT, Washington – Health officials in Grant County are investigating two confirmed cases of whooping cough, or whooping cough, with three other "probable" cases and the possibility of more people being infected.

The first person whose whooping cough has been confirmed has five members of the family who also have pertussis symptoms, including pertussis that accompanies them.

According to Grant County Health, these cases of "likely whooping cough" are students from Park Orchard Elementary School in Moses Lake and attended school while being contagious.

The second person with a confirmed case of pertussis is a pupil from Roosevelt Lake in Grand Coulee.

Exhibition letters were sent to the students and parents of the schools affected. Grant County Health points out that "it is possible that more cases occur."

Health officials work with school nurses and administrators to ensure that all student vaccines are up-to-date. State law requires a whooping cough vaccine to be able to enroll in school.

According to Grant County Health, whooping cough is an extremely contagious disease that is spread by droplets in the air or on surfaces when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It starts with a cough that worsens over a period of one or two weeks.

If a pertussis outbreak occurs in a school and your child is not vaccinated, your child might be forced to stay home after school and all school-related activities.

"Any child with symptoms of whooping cough will have to be ruled out immediately until a new cough assessment is completed," said Grant County Health officials in a press release.

Students can easily spread diseases due to improper handwashing, undisguised coughing and staying close to each other.

When children are unaware of all their injections, they are more likely to get sick and spread the disease to others in their classrooms and communities – including babies who are too young to undergo many injections, and weakened immune system due to other health problems.

If you have symptoms of whooping cough AND feel exposed, talk to your health care provider or call GCHD and talk to a public health nurse (509-766-7960).

It is important to wear a mask (if applicable) covering your mouth and nose when you go to your doctor's office to help curb the spread of the disease. Always follow the doctor's directions and stay isolated from others until it is established that you are not infectious.

First symptoms can last from 1 to 2 weeks and usually includes:

  • Runny nose
  • Mild fever (usually minimal throughout the course of the disease)
  • Light and occasional cough
  • Apnea – a break in breathing (in babies)

As pertussis in its infancy appears to be only a cold, it is often not suspected or diagnosed until the onset of the most severe symptoms.

As the disease progresses, the traditional symptoms of pertussis may appear after one to two weeks and include:

  • Paroxysms (seizures) many rapid coughs followed by an acute "shouting"
  • Vomiting during or after coughing
  • Exhaustion after coughing fits

It is important to follow the planned immunizations because the immunity due to the vaccine or pertussis disease decreases. The vaccine is particularly important for those who might expose infants (pregnant women, family members, health and daycare workers, etc.) and for whom the disease can spread quickly (schools, hospitals, etc.).

Below is the recommended vaccination schedule for whooping cough:

  1. Babies need 4 DTap vaccines (at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months and 15-18 months),
  2. 5th DTap vaccine at the age of 4 to 6 years,
  3. Older children need reminder of Tdap at> 10 years old / before entering the 6th after 7 years if not properly immunized with DTap according to schedule,
  4. All adults need at least one DKA vaccine; Pregnant women need a dca for each pregnancy.


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