Two Chinese intelligence officers accused of stealing a US jet engine technician


"This action is another example of the SSM's criminal efforts to facilitate the theft of private data for China's commercial gain," said US lawyer Adam Braverman in a statement.

"Concerted efforts to steal, rather than just buy, commercially available products should shock all companies that invest talent, energy and shareholder money into product development."

The statement by the United States Department of Justice does not explicitly indicate where Zha Rong and Chai Meng are currently located. The United States has no extradition treaty with China – and if the men are in China, it would be unlikely that the Chinese government would cooperate with the investigation. CNN solicited comments from the Chinese Foreign Ministry.
The accusations come at a time when pressure is mounting on Beijing to address US concerns over the alleged widespread theft of intellectual property by Chinese agents to fuel the country's economic growth.

The new charges mark the third time since September that Chinese intelligence officers have been charged with attempting to steal US intellectual property.

In an indictment issued Tuesday by the Justice Department, the US Justice Department said Zha and Chai started working with a team of hackers in January 2010 to steal the jointly developed engine technology. by a French and American company. .

"At the time of the intrusions, a Chinese state-owned aerospace company was working on developing a comparable engine for commercial aircraft built in China and elsewhere," the statement said.

The company's infiltration attempts were not limited to hacking, according to the US press release. Tian Xi and Gu Gen, two Chinese nationals who allegedly worked for the company, were allegedly co-opted by Chinese intelligence services and offered malicious software to install in their employer's computer system.

"The threat posed by Chinese government-sponsored piracy is real and unrelenting," said John Brown, FBI special agent in charge of the San Diego Field Office, in a statement.

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