Two Florida middle school girls had knives, plotted to cut up classmates, police say


The Bartow Police Chief Chief of the Court, Bartow Police Chief Joe Hall said during a news conference.

According to officials, the 11- and 12-year-old girls said they were Satan worshipers and were going to drink the blood of the students they killed, and possibly eat their flesh. The girls also planned to kill themselves, they said.

The plan was foiled Tuesday after a school of one of the girls notified of their parents.

The girl's mother called the school and the principal assistant found in the bathroom, Hall said.

They were taken to the main office, where they were found to have a butcher knife and a kitchen knife. The girls also had a pizza cutter, police said.

The girls had a goblet in the bathroom.

Detectives searched the girls' homes and found a hand-drawn map that included the phrase "go to kill bathroom."

"Today is health lesson thank Satan we are doing this in bit," a note read, police said. A search of the girls' cell phones found messages regarding the plot, Hall added.

Additional police are already on campus because of the possibility of having a student on the ground.

Superintendent Jacqueline Byrd said the school staff responded quickly to reports of suspicious behavior. There will be counselors and extra police officers at the school this week, Byrd said.

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