Two lunar craters named to mark the 50th anniversary of Apollo 8


Two craters on the Moon have been named Earthrise and 8 Homeward of Anders to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 8 lunar mission.

The working group on the nomenclature of planetary systems of the International Astronomical Union officially approved the denomination of the craters, which were previously designated by letters.

The newly named craters are visible in the foreground of the iconic color photograph of Earthrise taken by astronaut William Anders.

It describes the moment when our brilliant Blue Earth came back to view when the probe emerged from the darkness behind the gray, barren Moon.

This is without doubt the most famous photo taken by Apollo 8. It has become iconic and is behind the launch of the environmental movement.

Since the Moon is closely related to the Earth – it always has the same side facing the Earth – the Earth will never seem to rise above the surface for a person standing on the far side of the Moon .

Orbiting the moon, however, Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman, James Lovell and William Anders took advantage of this breathtaking view before returning home safely.

The Apollo 8 mission took place from 21 to 27 December 1968. After performing 10 orbits around the moon on Christmas Eve, retransmitting images on Earth and broadcasting live television, the crew returned to Earth and landed in the Pacific Ocean.

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