Two more Marvel broadcasts on Netflix could be in danger, based on this warning sign – BGR


In hindsight, that should not have been too much of a surprise when Netflix announced a couple of cancellations in recent days – Iron fist and Luke Cage shows. Netflix, of course, celebrates the fact that its audience numbers are close to the vest, so we never know if something is a success or a failure based on this metric.

But we have something else to say: chatting on social networks. And as you can imagine, chatter and buzz on social networks related to Iron fist and Luke Cage both had essentially fallen off a cliff before Netflix giving both shows the ax.

Using data provided by Consumer Insights' Crimson Hexagon Company, Internal business reported that "when the first season of Luke Cage Created in September 2016, there were more than 300,000 posts on Twitter and Instagram. This number took a huge dip when the second season was published in June, with less than 50,000 publications. "

For the critical derisory Iron fist, same story. After his first season in 2017, he has collected nearly 120,000 publications on Twitter and Instagram. The second season, meanwhile, has never managed more than 20,000 positions.

This is not a perfect indicator, far from it. Nevertheless, this could give us a clue to the fate of two other Marvel broadcasts on Netflix: Jessica Jones and Daredevil.

Again, by BI: "The good news for Daredevil and Jessica Jones is that the results are not as dramatic as for Luke Cage and Iron fist. The bad news is that there is a noticeable trend in the fact that this interest has weakened after the first seasons of the series.

"There were nearly 300,000 posts on Twitter and Instagram for the first season of Jessica Jones. That was cut in half when the second season came out this year. Daredevil, the oldest Netflix Marvel show broadcast so far over three seasons, has seen a drop in buzz on social media over time, but less than others. The first season in 2015 saw nearly 275,000 publications, while the second season saw just over 200,000. This is not a big loss, and the recently released third season has inspired about 75,000 publications. October, which means that this number could increase by the end of the month. "

According to Crimson Hexagon data, despite the slowing down of social media discussions, the general sentiment with respect to all four issues was generally positive. Daredevil got the highest score of feeling, at 79 percent, with Iron fist coming in the lowest, at 53 percent. Of course, time will tell if the drop in social media craze around emissions is more cancellations.

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