Two new studies suggest that signs of the disease are visible in the eyes before symptoms appear – ScienceDaily


The results of two studies show that a new, non-invasive imaging device can detect the signs of Alzheimer's disease in a matter of seconds. The researchers showed that small blood vessels in the retina at the back of the eye were altered in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Even patients who have a family history of Alzheimer's but do not have any symptoms present these telltale signs. And they have shown that they can distinguish between people with Alzheimer's disease and those with only mild cognitive impairment. The results of these studies are presented at the AAA 2018, the 122nd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

A new type of accurate and non-invasive imaging, called optical coherence tomography (OCTA) angiography, has facilitated most recent research on the link of the eye with Alzheimer's disease. It allows doctors to see smaller veins at the back of the eye, including red blood cells moving through the retina.

Because the retina is connected to the brain by the optic nerve, researchers believe that deterioration of the retina and its blood vessels may reflect changes in blood vessels and brain structures, thus providing a window into the disease . process.

Diagnosing Alzheimer's disease is currently a challenge. Some techniques can detect signs of the disease but are not practical for tracking millions of people: brain scans are expensive and lumbar puncture can be harmful. Instead, the disease is often diagnosed by memory tests or by observing behavioral changes. At the moment these changes are noticed, the disease is advanced. Even if there is no curative treatment, early diagnosis is essential because future treatments will probably be more effective if they are administered early. Early diagnosis would also give patients and their families time to plan for their future.

The goal of this latest research is to find a quick and inexpensive way to detect Alzheimer's disease at the first sign.

Researchers from Duke University have used OCTA to compare the retinas of Alzheimer's disease patients with those of people with mild cognitive impairment, as well as healthy people. They discovered that the Alzheimer's group had lost small retinal blood vessels to the back of the eye and that a specific layer of the retina was thinner. Even people with mild cognitive impairment have not shown these changes.

Ophthalmologist and Senior Author Sharon Fekrat, MD, professor of ophthalmology in Duke, with colleague Dilraj Grewal, MD, associate professor of ophthalmology at Duke, and their research team hope their work will have a positive impact on life of the patient.

"This project responds to a huge unmet need," said Dr. Fekrat. "It is not possible for current techniques such as brain scan or lumbar puncture (lumbar puncture) to track the number of patients with this disease. Almost everyone has a family member or extended family affected by Alzheimer's disease. We need to detect the disease sooner and introduce it earlier. "

Given that genes play an important role in the evolution and evolution of Alzheimer's disease, another team of researchers at the Sheba Medical Center in Israel examined 400 people with family history, but showing no symptoms. They compared their retinal and brain exams to those who did not have a family history of Alzheimer's.

They found that the inner layer of the retina was thinner in people with a family history. The brain scan showed that their hippocampus, a region of the brain affected for the first time by the disease, had already begun to contract. Both factors, a thinner inner layer of the retina and a smaller hippocampus, were associated with a worse score during a cognitive function test.

"A brain scan can detect Alzheimer's disease when the disease greatly exceeds the treatment phase," said lead researcher Ygal Rotenstreich M.D., an ophthalmologist at the Goldschleger Eye Institute of Sheba Medical Center. "We need a therapeutic intervention sooner.These patients present such a high risk."

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Material provided by American Academy of Ophthalmology. Note: Content can be changed for style and length.

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