Two teenagers from Utah arrested, accused of stealing a plane off the runway


Two teens from Utah were arrested Thursday accused of stealing a plane and flying it at least 15 miles before landing safely at a local airport.

The Uintah County Sheriff's Office stated that two teenagers, aged 14 and 15, allegedly stole "a single-engined light-sport aircraft" after driving a tractor on a private runway in Jensen, where the plane was at the origin.

Witnesses reported seeing the aircraft fly low, along the US-40, near Gusher, Uintah County, 32 miles west of Jenson.

The investigators said that the teenagers, who they said had left a group home to commit the robbery, had planned to fly to the Wasatch Front, from where they had come, but decided to To land at Vernal Regional Airport.

They were arrested at the airport and were detained on Thursday at the Split Mountain Youth Detention Center in Vernal.

No charges have been officially filed.

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