Two twin brothers, a 6 year old sister and a 9 year old sister, died at a school bus stop in Rochester, Indiana.



Three brothers and sisters were beaten and killed and another child was injured Tuesday morning at a school bus stop in northern Indiana, the national police said.

The children were beaten while they were boarding a bus near 4600 N State Road 25 in Rochester, Fulton County around 7:15 am, police said. Rochester is located about 45 miles south of South Bend.

Authorities said the bus had been stopped in front of a mobile home park in the 4600 block of State Road 25, with its stop arm and its flashing exterior lights. When the children crossed the road to get on the bus, a 2017 Toyota Tacoma traveling south would have hit them.

The driver, Alyssa Shepherd, aged 24, has been charged with three counts of irresponsible homicide and a head of contempt passing through a school bus while her arm is lying down, which has caused injuries.

She was detained at Fulton County Jail with a bond of $ 15,000 and was released on bail shortly after 7 pm, state police said. Shepherd is the Children's Director of Faith Outreach – a Foursquare evangelical church located near Rochester.

Police said the children were two 6-year-old twins and their 9-year-old sister. They were identified: Xzavier and Mason Ingle, aged 6, and Alivia Stahl, 9 years old. All three were students from Mentone Elementary School.

"He has not lost a child, he has lost all his children.What are you saying to your little brother who will get better? You can not," said Elgin Ingle, the children's uncle .

An 11-year-old boy, identified by state police as Maverik Low, was flown to Parkview Hospital in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he was undergoing surgery for multiple fractures and internal injuries, police said.

"I saw the van completely crushed and I thought," OK, someone hit someone else, "and then I saw the school bus and I saw both small bodies lying on the ground, "said Monika Manuszak.

"The police said the brakes were not used, what are you doing where you're not paying attention?" Ingle wondered.

Shepherd stayed on the scene and cooperates with the authorities. Police said it was difficult to understand why she had not stopped.

"I've seen my brother change all his life," Ingle said. "Now they left because someone was not paying attention."

"I have not seen first responders and soldiers crying for a long time," said Sergeant Tony Slocum, of the Indiana State Police. "When the father of the children had to identify his children, it was heartbreaking.We saw tears today and our hearts are turning to them because most of us have children and we can not imagine the pain that he felt today – it was heartbreaking – it is still heartbreaking. "

Police said the driver was from rural Rochester.

"We all have a responsibility to ensure that our children get in and out of school safely," Slocum said. "When we travel early in the morning and in the evening, we have to provide for school buses to come out, and when those stop arms are lengthened, the law forces you to stop, which is exactly why. We do not want another family to be forced to cross that. "

The school society said in a statement: "Our school society suffered a tragedy this morning, we learned that three students died and that one student is seriously injured and flown to a Fort Wayne hospital after was hit by a vehicle as he boarded his bus, we deployed all school counselors to meet the emotional needs of our staff, our students, and our parents, and we look forward to learning more details. but want to ask the community to come together and pray for families, our students and our staff. "

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