Ty Montgomery is delighted to be a raven and does not want to look back


The return has tarnished angry quarterback Aaron Rodgers, has sparked threats on social networks and seems to announce the end of Ty Montgomery's passage to Green Bay Packers was not discussed Wednesday at the Under Armor Performance Center.

After being traded to the Ravens by Tuesday's deadline, Montgomery was staring at one direction: moving forward.

"It's beautiful," Montgomery said over the past 24 hours. "I ran out of sleep, traveling, getting in, trying to get into meetings, but it was beautiful. The transition has gone well so far and I'm happy to be here. "

The end of Montgomery at Green Bay was sudden. When he decided not to kneel in the end zone and that he coughed the ball towards the end of the fourth quarter against the Los Angeles Rams – putting an end to any chance of a another two-minute return from the Rodgers – the wrong decision was generalized.

Montgomery refuted a report that he defied the coaches' orders to be touched by the knee. The report comes from an anonymous teammate, who attributed it to Montgomery's anger of being removed from the game during a previous offensive series.

On Monday, Montgomery admitted to being frustrated by his lack of opportunities, but said it had no impact on his split-second decision. He wondered how he could trust people and said that he was "completely [ticked] "humanity" after people threatened his family with online threats.

That's saying little since Sunday. And that's something he does not want to talk about.

"I do not know if I was Hoping for a fresh start, "said Montgomery." I'll say I was ready to put that in the past, I guess that will turn into a fresh start in this team. "

Asked about his first reaction when he learned that he was traded, Montgomery said he was not worried about things that he could not change.

"From that point on, I was not looking back," said Montgomery. "I was trying to figure out how I could move my wife and child here. I have never stayed in Maryland before. We are in Maryland, right? All this part of the country throws me a ride.

Montgomery was a third-round pick in 2015 at Stanford, where he was a wide receiver. He became a starter for the Packers in his second season, rushing for 457 yards and capturing 44 assists for 348 yards.

Montgomery has averaged 4.8 yards per race over his four-year career, but his greatest strength is his ability to capture off-field passes. This double threat – that's why it's numbered 88 and is officially referred to as a WR / RB – will add a touch to the Ravens' backfield.

We still do not know how he will fit in. After all, this is just his first day and he has just made his first encounters with his offensive coaches and his presentations. He took part in the practice Wednesday after three hours of sleep.

"I think he's a very versatile player," said head coach John Harbaugh, who added that his brother had recruited Montgomery to Stanford.

"I never met Ty, but I saw him playing with the Packers and when we played against them and we prepared for them. A very versatile player: a running back, obviously very good in the pass as a running back – protection and catching the ball in the backfield and things like that – lined up at the receiver sometimes. "

Harbaugh said that there was no discussion about the fact that the Ravens needed to modernize their halves, considering the fact that the team ranked 31st in the league with a average yards per race. Montgomery can help the Ravens' hasty attack, but Harbaugh warned journalists not to talk too much about it.

If Montgomery can help out Sunday against the Steelers, Harbaugh said he would try to figure that out in this week's trials.

"I'm just going to do what I'm asked. I will not come here and try to exaggerate, "said Montgomery, who added that the Ravens already had" very good backs ".

"I want to be here, I'm excited and I just want to do everything that is asked of me and take advantage of this opportunity."

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