Type 2 diabetes: flu can cause problems if blood glucose is high – what to do if you're sick


Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease in which the blood sugar level is too high.

This is dangerous because, if not treated properly, it can cause serious complications to the heart, eyes, kidneys and nerves.

People with diabetes are also at greater risk of getting the flu.

Although most healthy people recover from the flu in a few weeks, the effects are more severe in people with diabetes.

The fact of catching the flu can also increase the risk of developing other complications related to diabetes.

"Winter conditions can be very bad for your health, especially if you live with diabetes," said Diabetes UK.

"The flu is serious and can make your blood sugar spread everywhere."

"If your blood sugar is not on target, the effects of the flu can be lost and increase the risk of developing serious complications."

If you are diabetic and catch the flu, Diabetes UK advises you to see your doctor or nurse as soon as possible because they will tell you what to do.

In case of discomfort, stop taking SGLT2 inhibitor tablets, but continue taking any other diabetes treatment.

Inhibitors of SGLT2 reduce the amount of glucose absorbed by the kidneys, so that it passes into the urine, while also reducing the amount of glucose in the blood.

It is important to stay warm, both indoors and outdoors, so that the heating in the home reaches at least 18 degrees.

Since influenza can cause blood sugar to fluctuate, it may be necessary to test it more often than normal.

It is also essential to maintain sufficient fluid intake and eat, even if you do not feel like it.

Indeed, some medications require regular meals. Try to eat a little and often.

Carbohydrate-based drinks, such as milk or fruit juice, can help manage blood glucose levels alongside medication.

"If your symptoms do not improve, you should consult your doctor. Do not waste time. Leaving things until they get worse could lead to more serious infections, "said the NHS.

In order to prevent the flu in the first place, it is advisable for people with diabetes to be vaccinated against the flu.

It is recommended to be vaccinated against the flu before the beginning of the winter, each year.

The flu shot is available free of charge on the NHS for people with diabetes.

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