Typhus Epidemic in LA County: How You Can Help Stop the Spread of Disease


PASADENA, California (KABC) –

Los Angeles County is facing an outbreak of flea-borne typhus, but there are steps you can take to stop it from spreading.

He is supposed to be the best friend of man, but dogs are among the animals considered responsible for the spread of typhus, a disease transmitted to humans by fleas.

Dr. Ying Goh should know. As health officer in the city of Pasadena, she has seen the number of confirmed cases of typhus soar in the region.

"Fleas bite infected animals, they are, and if they bite you, you could get sick," Goh said.

She said the city received one to five cases a year, but this year they have up to 20.

Pasadena is not the only city to experience an upsurge in typhus cases. Long Beach has already seen 12 cases this year.

In L.A. County, there are 59 more cases, which is enough for health officials to report that it is an outbreak.

L.A. District Supervisor Kathryn Barger calls for a coordinated government response to the growing problem of typhus.

"Last year, it was hepatitis A, we now have typhus.We want public health to act aggressively against this problem," she said.

Fleas carrying typhus are also found in rats, wild cats and other wildlife. It is rarely fatal, but can leave people with high fever, headaches and rashes, or even drop them in the hospital.

Barger said that cutaneous typhus may not be the only home in southern California soon. Our large homeless population and unhealthy lifestyles are at the root of this problem and are likely to be others.

"Last week, I started my Monday watching someone defecate right in front of my car and if you go down to Skid Row, there are places in India that look better than that." that we have here is, "said Barger.

Health officials said that to prevent the spread of typhus, it was essential to keep infected animals away from your family and pets.

Things you can do include:

  • Do not leave pet food outside
  • Keep garbage cans well covered
  • Seal all openings and crawl spaces under your house
  • Treat pets with flea medications

The reason the problem of typhus develops is still a mystery.

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