U crazy, brother? Tim Benz takes apologists for Le & # 39; Veon Bell


Updated 2 hours ago

I will not do that often. I promise. But this morning, I feel the need to requisition "U crazy, my brother?"

I know that this is usually the section in which I give you, my loyal and faithful readers, the opportunity to talk about your anxiety in the world of sport in Pittsburgh.

However, today, I must be obstructionist. Today, "U crazy, brother?" becomes "Why am I crazy, brother ?!"

I can not let this rationalization, this victimization and this martyred fabrication of The Vein Bell disappear without control.

To be as reactionary and as informed as possible, I have been very fair to Bell throughout this process.

I said I would have preferred to see him sign at some point this year. I think the Steelers are better with him than without him, even considering James Conner's great season.

I fear him as a player. And I hate that some people turn their anger into his absence with a negative assessment of his talents, distorted and focused on an agenda, just because they blame him for not signing his franchise agreement.

I do not get tired of watching The Veon Bell in black and gold. I'm sad not to see him anymore. I wished that at some point – even recently as 15:59. On Tuesday, he reported to the team.

However, some of the reactions favorable to Bell after the failure of his signature before the expiry of the signing deadline of the franchise were a joke. A total joke. Here are some examples.

The business of anyone except his? How about all the players in the locker room who were negatively affected when the team could not use the $ 14.5 million held in reserve for its franchise badge when – last July – Bell announced that he would introduce himself.

I will let him live his life. I only hope that it allowed the Steelers to spend that money that they had saved for a guy who apparently had decided to never show up after initially announcing that he was would.

I love you, Adam. You are my guy. But he was going to touch at least $ 33 million in Pittsburgh. He played his hand too much. And people are not crazy that he is trying to get paid. They are crazy about everything in your tweet.

Yeah. He will make his money in 2019. What is the link with his conduct in July 2018?

So, can the player use the terms of the collective agreement to his advantage, but it is not acceptable to the team? Why does the team have to cancel the tag for the player to make money? To be magnanimous? Please!

The team understood it well. That's why, after Bell said that, they asked him if he would play with etiquette.

Then he and his squawk agent 's agent box claimed that he "would have the best year of his career".

Then, Bell changed his mind when Todd Gurley got more money than he and Adisa Bakari had ever thought possible.

I'm trying to understand what is the purpose of all these tweets and chronicles "Leave yourself alone". If you do it to be an annoyance, too many people play this card for it to be unique. Abandoned.

This attempt to create a crucifixion story for Bell is disgusting. He is not a running back Rosa Parks. He is not a pioneer of society. This is a mercenary. He is here for that. Well. It is America. This is a capitalist. But do not pretend that he is sacrificing himself for, for example, Ito Smith or something of the sort.

He acts in his own interest. Why can not we just say that instead of lamenting on Twitter and acting like an old "V", we are going after "the man?"

It no longer tries to redefine the market for all its competitors. Gurley has already done so. He's just trying to keep up and finish in second place. That's all.

Stop romancing Bell's mission to get some "likes" and "retweets". Let go of yourself "takes the player against the mean, the nasty NFL" takes. They are weak in the case of Bell.

You have chosen the wrong protagonist.

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