U.K. charges two men in the Novichok attack, declaring that they are Russian agents


LONDON – Two Russian intelligence agents in March attacked the nerve agent against a former Russian spy living in Britain, Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday, accusing the men of attempted murder. an international tumult.

British counterterrorism police said at a press conference on Wednesday that she had traced in detail suspects' movements, captured images of security cameras, identified a hotel in London where men remained and even found traces of nerve agents. their room.

Addressing Parliament soon after, Ms. May said that along with the police investigation, the British intelligence services had conducted their own investigation and concluded that the two men were "intelligence agents" Russian military also known as GRU

It has linked the attacks of nerve agents with a long series of Russian movements denounced by the West, including the seizure of Crimea, incursions into eastern Ukraine, the destruction of an airliner in Ukrainian airspace and a coup attempt in Montenegro.

The charges do not relate to the poisoning of two British – Dawn Sturgess, deceased, and Charlie Rowley – although investigators believe the events are related. Both Sturgess and Rowley fell months after the attack on the Skripals, when they found the perfume bottle that, according to investigators, was used to carry the nerve agent.

"The same two men are now the main suspects in the Dawn Sturgess and Charlie Rowley case," said Ms. May, adding that the same poison was used in both cases and that both were "victims of the". indiscriminate elimination of this agent ". . "

Prosecutors have not requested the extradition of Russian men, who do not send their nationals abroad. Basu said he was hoping for an arrest, "it seems very unlikely that we are coming to this point."

After tracing the men's movements towards the hotel and determining the room in which they had remained, Mr. Basu stated that the investigators examined the room on May 4 and that "two swabs had revealed a lower Novichok contamination than public health ".

People living and working in the area said they were dismayed that they had not heard of the contamination earlier. "It's a little shocking that they've waited until now, but I guess there's a lot going on behind the scenes that I do not know about," said Andreia Paim, 24, a student living near the hotel.

The men took a train to Salisbury on March 3, Basu said, adding that the trip "was meant for recognition of the Salisbury area." He said he returned the next day to poison. Police said the CCTV footage showed the men near Mr. Skripal's house, but not at his home.

Sophia Kishkovsky contributed to the report from Moscow and Iliana Magra from London.

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