U.S. official optimistic Congo Ebola outbreak can be controlled


KINSHASA (Reuters) – The leading Ebola expert at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said: "It's easy to get better. .

Health workers at Mangina hospital in Beni, Democratic Republic of Congo, August 15, 2018. WHO / Nyka Alexander / Handout via REUTERS / File Photo

The haemorrhagic fever in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo is believed to be the cause of death.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said last week that it is likely to occur in the country and possibly to some extent.

But Pierre Rollins, who has been studying Ebola for three decades, said he thought it might be possible to expand their tracking of new patients' contacts.

Ebola in the local community, on October 9, 2018. WHO / Aboulaye Cisse / Handout via REUTERS / File Photo

"Rollins said in an interview," We compared the evolution of this epidemic to other epidemics.

"What happened in the last week of this year?"

He added the introduction 10 days ago of a new World Bank-supported program.

Nevertheless, attacks on health workers have been reported by the United States Government to the CDC and USAID workers from the front lines.

Some who stayed in the field were less upbeat. An emergency committee of WHO experts said that it was possible that the situation was significantly worse.

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Security in eastern Congo is poor at the presence of local people and exploits natural resources.

Editing by Aaron Ross and Kevin Liffey

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