U.Va. Charlottesville Health System and Community Working Together to Raise Public Awareness of Breast Cancer


Launched more than 30 years ago as a result of a joint effort of the American Cancer Society and a leading manufacturer of anticancer drugs, now known as AstraZeneca, the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is held every month of October. U.Va. The health system is using this month to inform the public about the wide range of care options it offers to breast cancer patients – highlighting its unique team approach to patient care and its benefits. partnerships with businesses in the Charlottesville area to raise funds for research.

The CDC says that breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women of all races and ethnicities. Similarly, factors such as family history of the disease and a higher density of breast tissue are cited as influential in the development of breast cancer – these factors are at work regardless of the age of the breast. the woman, although the risk increases considerably at 50 years.

However, the United States Breast Care Center treats patients with breast cancer of any age. The Center's physicians declare being committed to providing care to these patients using a meticulous team approach that creates a wide range of opinions and ideas.

Dr. Amy Button, Associate Dean of Graduate Programs and Medical Scientists at the University of Vancouver. School of Medicine, spoke about the importance of this method of collaboration – illustrated by teams of doctors and other professionals called tumor boards – in treating patients with difficult diseases such as breast cancer.

"We have radiologists, oncologists, nurse practitioners, surgeons and genetic counselors. They come together to discuss each case before making a decision on how best to treat that patient, "Button said. "And what's very cool is that our graduate students have the opportunity to attend these committees on tumors and that they understand how these decisions about treatment are made to them." using this team approach. "

Researchers such as Bouton and her professional and graduate colleagues are part of these teams, who devote all their time to providing new information that can improve the quality of care provided to breast cancer patients.

"It is the people who carry out basic scientific research who are essential members of the whole team, because they provide the information necessary for the development of new drugs, new biomarkers to try to understand what types of tumors should be treated from which way. and new therapies, "said Button.

Examples of professionals conducting important research, as described by Bouton, are the doctor herself and her colleagues. Bouton is studying macrophages – a type of immune cells – and their impact on breast tissue tumors and their response to various medications.

Also in the U.Va. Melanie Rutkowski is currently studying the effects that antibiotics may have on the microbiome and whether it may be related to breast cancer, and Dr. Sanchita Bhatnagar is studying triple negative breast cancer, a specific form of the disease that is lacking. three protein receptors that are typically associated with it. Doctors such as these women are constantly working to pave the way for further advances in the field of breast cancer, and their work is only one element supported by donations as National Awareness Month in Canada. breast cancer brings to the U.Va. Breast Care Center.

Currently, Healthline indicates that survival rates for breast cancer depend on factors such as cancer stage, type of breast cancer and age. Advances in research and technology have led to a breast cancer survival rate of 90.6% over five years for women, measured in 2008. This statistic has been achieved over many years of work and development. research supported each October by donations and outreach.

Health professionals say that this awareness begins with each individual. Oncology program manager Tracey Gosse recommends an annual mammogram after the age of 40. Various options exist to adapt different types of breast to the patients. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional mammograms are both available at the University and are distinguished according to the relative density of the breast tissue they measure well. Gosse also emphasized the importance of monthly breast self-exams for women, as this diligent practice can help early detection and better outcomes for patients.

In recent years, the United States The health system has released a series of events dedicated to breast cancer awareness, education and fundraising.

This year, various events take place in October to show their support. Gosse said the health system is in partnership with companies Alex and Ani, Kendra Scott and Albemarle Baking Company, among others. When customers purchase certain items from these companies in October, a portion of the proceeds goes to U.Va. Health system. In terms of using this money, Gosse listed breast cancer research, clinical programs for breast cancer patients, and breast cancer education tools for breast cancer patients. newly diagnosed diagnostic pathways.

Danica Rose, deputy director of annual oncology program development at the University, is very involved in the charity component of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and has detailed some events and promotions around Charlottesville in October in Ottawa. benefit of breast cancer patients. Zeta Tau Alpha members at the University held their Pink Week event from October 13 to October 15. 20, donating all proceeds from fundraising to breast cancer research. Friday, Zoom Indoor Cycling paid off all the profits from the races at U.Va. Breast Cancer Center. Finally, throughout this month, Panera Bread will feature a pink ribbon bagel and donate some of this product's proceeds to research at the University.

According to Gosse, although a month of increasing awareness and education through special events like this benefits the breast cancer field every year, it's easy to get caught up in state of mind that focuses only transiently on the disease. She emphasized that personal care and individual efforts are just as important.

"We all know that October is breast cancer awareness month, but breast cancer can occur throughout the year," said Gosse. "So, do not stop checking just because you're done until October."

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