Uber offers free rounds to vote in the 2018 mid-term elections – Quartz


Uber is gathering its resources to get the vote on the next day of the US elections (November 6).

The company announced that she had partnered with the non-profit organization When We All Vote to help Uber runners and drivers to sign up for the elections. mid-term in the United States. He started sharing registration tools with runners via the Uber App earlier this week and announced that he would email registration information to drivers and delivery men. . Over the next month, Uber also plans to organize voter registration events in about 125 of its driver assistance centers, called Greenlight Hubs.

On November 6th, anyone in the United States will be able to locate their polling place and go there using the Uber app. The company said it was working with non-profit organizations #VoteTogether and Democracy Works to offer voters free tickets for voters in low-need, high-need areas where transportation is a major concern. challenge.


Uber said that there were 900,000 drivers in the United States at last count. The company's election campaign follows that of its rival Lyft, who announced in late August that it would cut votes for polling day polls by 50 percent and offer free travel to underserved communities with the help of non-profit organizations. Lack of transportation is one of the biggest obstacles to voting for millions of Americans.

It's not just about making noise: many technology companies are using their huge online platforms to encourage the United States to vote in the upcoming mid-term elections. Facebook and Facebook have collaborated with TurboVote to register users who wish to vote. Google dedicated its Google Doodle tool to voter registration tools on National Voter Registration Day (September 25), which registered a record 800,000 registrations, half a million more than the organizers would have expected it.

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