UF fans should be grateful The Gators are light years away from FSU – and dismiss Feleipe Franks


Be forewarned, Florida Gators fans are entering an area without a complaint.

There will be no moans, moans, sputum or beatings following Saturday's win over Colorado State (48-10).

I do not want to hear how the attack seemed pedestrian during most of the match.

I do not want to hear how Colorado State played nearly twice as many plays as Florida.

I do not want to hear how far fateful quarterback Feleipe Franks has thrown 119 yards.

And I do not want to hear how defeating Colorado State is really a problem.

In this first season of the transition between the error of Jim McElwain and that of Dan Mullen, Gator Nation should celebrate all the victories.

UF fans should be grateful that their team is at least strong enough to blow up Colorado State and Charleston Southern.

Know that their quarter did not spend the whole game on his back.

Be thankful, above all, their team is not the state of Florida.

After Kentucky's historic defeat last week, the Gators are obviously not a big team in Mullen's first season, but at least UF is not shy as the Seminoles are under new coach Willie Taggart. Syracuse humbled the Seminoles 30-10 on Saturday, the first time the Orange have beaten FSU since 1966, when Floyd Little, Larry Csonka and, yes, Tom Coughlin were in the Syracuse field.

Kentucky may have ended a series of 31 consecutive losses against the Gators last week, but at least Mullen's team feels like they have a clue and decided to get up on Saturday. The Gators routed a Colorado team that was good enough to beat Arkansas last week.

Of course, some fans of Gator, as they always do, will want to distinguish this victory and will probably come to the conclusion, once again, that Franks is not the solution to the quarter. This, of course, is ridiculous rhetoric.

Franks was cooked, grilled and grilled on social networks after last week's defeat in Kentucky.

The student newspaper called for his bench.

There was even some fears when Franks scored a 0-to-6 in the first quarter of Saturday's game against Colorado State.

Why there is such a claim for Franks to be banked is beyond me. That's why it's inexplicable that so many UF fans and members of the media want the Gators to start with Kyle Trask or Emory Jones, two quarterbacks who have never taken a university.

Mullen is known as a college football version of a horse whisper. Except he's a quarter-whisperer – a coach who can take a wild and wild brutal quarter, dive psychologically into the player's mind, work his mental magic and turn the quarter into a star. The problem is that there are too many armchair quarterbacks who do not want to give Mullen time to be whispered. They want to immediately send Franks to the glue factory.

Dak Prescott and Nick Fitzgerald were not instant stars in their first year at QB Mullen in the state of Mississippi. However, these players matured and progressed under Mullen's tutelage and then became prestigious university quarterbacks, as did Alex Smith in Utah and Tim Tebow in Florida.

"It's only his third game," Mullen said of Franks. "I know people support him with this story that he started all these games [he had eight starts last year]; not in our system, it does not have. I can not tell you what offense they committed last year or what he was training or what he was taught. It's his third game in our system. … I think he knows we have backs. There is no short leash. We will continue to play it.

Who knows, perhaps Franks will never become an excellent quarterback, but does not he deserve at least three games to know it without being ringed once a week? Even when he threw five touchdown passes in the first half of the first match against Charleston Southern, the common chorus was that anyone could have done it against an FCS opponent.

Opponents of negativity are likely to be even more critical of Franks after completing only 8 out of 15 passes for 119 yards, two touchdowns and one interception. It does not matter that the Gators are content to play the ball against a Colorado State defense ranked 123rd out of 130 FBS teams in total defense. It does not matter that Franks has already equaled his total of touchdowns (nine) compared to last year.

"To be a quarter to Florida, you have to have thick skin," says Mullen. "People will go after him because it's part of the job. If you do not like public scrutiny, do not be a quarter.

Give Mullen time and patience to be the quarterback he has always been and I think he can make Franks a sporty athlete. Let's not forget that the dictionary definition of "develop" is "Move the process of natural evolution from a previous stage or lower."

In other words, development is a time-consuming process; it does not happen in two or three parts. Especially when this "previous or lower step" was stuck in McElwain's pathetic offensive.

Be grateful, Gator Nation.

Your team won big Saturday.

Your coach seems to have everything under control.

Above all, you are light years ahead of Florida State.

Send me an email to [email protected]. Hit me on Twitter @BianchiWrites and listen to my radio show Open Mike every day from 6 to 9 am on FM 96.9 and AM 740.

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