UFC 230: Daniel Cormier vs. Derrick Lewis Staff Choices and Predictions


Bloody Elbow's squad made its predictions for UFC 230 and everyone sits alongside Daniel Cormier to beat Derrick Lewis in Saturday's main event. Opinions are divided between Chris Weidman and Jacare Souza. Really, there are many unilateral choices for this event, but history has shown that it does not mean we will be right!

Note: The forecasts are entered throughout the week and collected the day before the event. No explanation is necessary and some authors choose not to do so for their own reasons. For example, if Phil Mackenzie held all his forecasts on Wednesday without adding explanations, he does not know if he will be the only one to side with a fighter for a given fight.

Daniel Cormier against Derrick Lewis

Mookie Alexander: Lewis has a chance to pierce and if he knocks Cormier, my jaw will collapse and I'll bow to his awesomeness. He has a free Popeye Chicken Reserve, so he's already a winner. The real fight, though? Cormier can dominate Lewis on the field since he knows how to own the top people without losing his position. He can also hurt Lewis with his shot and stop him early, or separate him and stop him late when Lewis is totally exhausted. There is not much more to analyze here. Daniel Cormier by TKO, turn 2.

Fraser Coffeen: No offense, DC, I'm very much in favor of Lewis here. I mean, how can you not? I really want to choose it too, and it's not a crazy choice. But I just can not bring myself to do it, because I have the persistent feeling that Cormier will not only win the battle of struggle (obviously), but also win the battle. Sorry. Daniel Cormier, TKO, R2

Dayne Fox: I totally agree with Fraser. There's nothing more delicious than Lewis under the flag of the UFC heavyweight champion. This seems too unlikely. Cormier via TKO of RD2

Zane Simon: It's not that I do not think Cormier will be dominant, he will probably do it. But I would not be surprised if Lewis did not get too bad too. I bet that, especially on short notice, DC will choose minimal risk and maximum efficiency. Since Lewis had a habit of keeping things off the ground, I could easily see him getting down and giving up on the back in a hurry. Daniel Cormier via RNC, Round 1.

Staff selects Cormier: Bissell, Harry, Phil, Nick, Mookie, Stephie, Fraser, Dayne, Tim, Zane
Staff picking Lewis:

Chris Weidman vs. Ronaldo Souza

Mookie Alexander: Jacare could have the power to end so early. Weidman is hardly a defensive wizard and he has been seriously injured in four consecutive bouts. So big a grapple that is Jacare, Weidman is more than able to hang on the mat and, as Jacare inevitably fades as the fight progresses, just about everything else in favor of Weidman. I see Jacare trying to start strong, quickly losing speed, and Weidman catching him with a big shot to put him out of the way. Chris Weidman of TKO, turn 3.

Zane Simon: Jacare is a very lively dog ​​in this area if he can hurt Weidman early and force him to refuel in an attempt to recover, or simply remain quite dangerous in shoving and initiate enough to tax the refueling of tanks. essence of Weidman. If this remains a stand-up affair, though, then Jacare has the timing and counters, but I do not think he can keep up with Weidman's pace. Chris Weidman by decision.

Choice of Weidman Staff: Phil, Mookie, Stephie, Tim, Zane
Selection of Jacare staff: Bissell, Harry, Nick, Fraser, Dayne

David Branch vs. Jared Cannonier

Mookie Alexander: Cannonier just misses the takedown defense to make it competitive. David Branch by unanimous decision.

Phil Mackenzie: Cannonier lost two weight classes during his stay at the UFC, but basic technical problems have affected him more than physical problems. He's a tough and functional boxer, but he can get stuck out or out. Branch is at least a comparable boxer and a much more effective wrestler. The only real advantage of Cannonier is its durability because Branch is not so hard to hurt. David Branch by unanimous decision.

Zane Simon: Cannonier is bad at takedown defense, David Branch is good at takedowns. Branch is also strong enough in safety and strong enough that I do not see him easily caught and exploded early in the fight. Most likely, he chooses his moment, working behind this sting, and heads for melee where he can face Cannonier all day. David Branch by decision.

Staff Selection Branch: Bissell, Harry, Phil, Nick, Mookie, Stephie, Fraser, Dayne, Tim and Zane
Staff picking Cannonier:

Jack Marshman against Karl Roberson

Mookie AlexanderCezar Ferreira turned out to be a bad match for Roberson, who is still very green as an MMA fighter and seems completely lost on the ground, but it's more favorable from a stylistic point of view. It's far from an easy fight, because Marshman has good power, but I think Roberson will win with a superior, more accurate shot. Karl Roberson by unanimous decision.

Phil Mackenzie: As in Cannonier, the Marshman game does not work often enough. Powerful but powerful pocket briefs, it can be overflowed or be shot from the outside. Roberson can possibly do any of these things: while Ferreira exposes his defense, he is aggressive and opportunistic on the offensive. He's also a dangerous boxer who can probably lead Marshman into a headache. Karl Roberson by TKO, turn 2.

Zane Simon: This fight is a bit mysterious after the first round, honestly. Roberson is a much faster and more elegant striker, but he is ridiculously untested – he was only outside the first round in his professional debut. Marshman has already been KO'dans and is not as well rounded as I think he can easily overwhelm Roberson from the fight or grappling. But, if he can survive the first exchanges, I would not be shocked if Marshman is the much more busy and efficient fighter on the line. Yet, Marshman's struggles against sports punchers make me see Karl Roberson via KO, turn 1.

Staff Selection Marshman: Harry
Staff Selection Roberson: Bissell, Phil, Nick, Mookie, Stephie, Fraser, Dayne. Tim, Zane

Israel Adesanya against Derek Brunson

Mookie Alexander: Brunson is powerful and sportier than Brad Tavares. He has a terrifying floor and pound when he drops you, and we still have not seen very well what Adesanya can handle from his back. Buuuuuuut, he loses all form when he is forced to engage in violent exchanges, it is often foolhardy to pursue relentlessly his attempts at scrapping or his crazy moves, and I do not think he has the necessary footwork to push back the pressure of Adesanya. Brunson is a live dog here, but Adesanya is too clever and strong as an attacker to be able to resist Brunson. Israel Adesanya by TKO, turn 2.

Phil Mackenzie: I suspect it is a kind of "rotten tomato selection" in which we all / most of the time choose a person who does not have much self-confidence. Then, if we go south, we will have at least one person who will blame the way we all bought our products. hype or something else. Bloody Elbow is not a hive mind. Anyway. The main problem of Brunson in this fight is how to close the distance. Does he crush Adesanya or try to play a more patient game? Despite Whittaker KO, it might be better to blitz Adesanya. The main weapon of Brunson at hand is kicking the leg, and although Adesanya is not a devastating counter-thrower, he knows how to close it. On the other hand, Adesanya is a relatively under-sized average weight with obvious shortcomings beyond his first ground-lift defense. That said, I just can not trust Brunson to stay consistent. Since leaving Jackson Wink, he has been swinging between absurd sprint attacks and doing nothing. Israel Adesanya by TKO, turn 2.

Zane Simon: It's almost more proof that he's fighting for Derek Brunson than Adesanya, strangely enough. You want to be a title candidate? Prove that you can fight efficiently and intelligently and not go crazy for 2 minutes and get a knockout or knockout. Brunson should have the size, the power and the ability to fight for this fight to belong to him. But I think the last attack he had may have been against Lorenz Larkin in 2014. If the fight is no longer an important part of his game, I do not choose him to win. Israel Adesanya via TKO, Tour 3.

Staff selecting Adesanya: Bissell, Harry, Phil, Nick, Mookie, Stephie, Fraser, Dayne, Zane
Brunson Staff Selection: Tim

Jason Knight against Jordan Rinaldi

Mookie Alexander: Rinaldi is really not sporty enough to hang on to the average level UFC talent, be it light or featherweight. Knight has probably won the fight against Amirkhani and I think his pace and jamming abilities will be too important for Rinaldi in the long run. Jason Knight by submission, turn 2.

Phil Mackenzie: Jason Knight was not particularly handsome in his last defeats. Stylistically, it is again the fight against Amirkhani, but softer. Rinaldi was a light weight slightly undersized, so as a grapple, it makes sense that he goes down. That said, he is still not the kind of fast-twitch athlete that Amirkhani represents, and even in this fight he was extremely thin. Knight may have moments of relaxation, and Rinaldi is a delicate submission threat, but overall, Knight's pace and reach should be able to damage him. Jason Knight by TKO, turn 2.

Zane Simon: Knight should really be faster and more powerful than Jordan Rinaldi. Rinaldi has not been a striking threat in the UFC and has a tendency to prepare his grounding badly, canceling much of what could be a decent ground game. Knight does not have a lot of defense anywhere, but has committed a lot of very violent fouls. Assuming that he brings this to bear the pressure early, Jason Knight via TKO, turn 1.

Staff selecting Knight: Bissell, Harry, Phil, Nick, Mookie, Stephie, Fraser, Dayne, Tim, Zane
Staff picking Rinaldi:

Roxanne Modafferi against Sijara Eubanks

Mookie Alexander: Welp. Fraser was half right on the weight of the Eubanks. She should still win. Ideally, she does not get an interview with Joe Rogan after the fight, but as a punishment. Sijara Eubanks by unanimous decision.

Fraser Coffeen: I tend to think that women's fights only favor gross athletics, especially when you meet this former WMMA stage guardian. And it's Roxy for a T. I really enjoyed the end of his career, but Eubanks is too big and strong. It's certainly possible that its green nature means that it gets caught, and it would be a glorious moment if it did (nothing against the Eubanks, but go, win Modafferi would be a great moment). But I just think Sijara is too much. Unless it lacks weight and the whole fight is canceled. Which is quite possible. Sijara Eubanks, TKO, R1

Phil Mackenzie: What Fraser said. Eubanks is far from being able to compete with Shevchenko, but she is aggressive, durable and physically talented. The striking style of Modafferi can be described as follows: whipping the other woman with noodles, and I think Eubanks has it down. Sijara Eubanks from TKO, turn 2.

Zane Simon: Modafferi is still a living dog, just for his work pace, but as with their meeting with TUF, Eubanks is probably too strong. Whenever Modafferi can hit two punches, the Eubanks can hit one that looks like three times more damage. When they meet in training, the strength and coordination of the Eubanks prevail. If Modafferi can stay upright and busy, she can do it, but she'll probably be shot all the way. Sijara Eubanks by decision.

Modafferi Staff Selection: Stephie
Staff selects Eubanks: Bissell, Harry, Phil, Nick, Mookie, Fraser, Dayne, Tim and Zane

Julio Arce vs. Sheymon Moraes

Phil Mackenzie: Moraes is one of those fighters like Hacran Dias who should be better than him. He is a powerful and precise attacker who has feet, knees and hands. He is a volunteer wrestler and a powerful wrestler. But it is also a bit dull in terms of defense and lacks depth in virtually all these areas. Arce is an aggressive counter-attacker with a bearded tiger, Schulmann. Although the team's defense against punting is poor, it has a higher pace, a more nuanced boxer who can make his way through a difficult first round, then differentiate Moraes in time and angles. Julio Arce by unanimous decision.

Zane Simon: I love Moraes a lot more than most in this fight for several reasons. I can see Dias's comparison, but Sheymon is moving at a better pace with much more variety than Dias has done at the height of his game. And he also works several targets regularly. Moraes is great for hitting the body to set up kicks and kicks on all targets. This makes him a fighter difficult to predict. And, on the other side, Arce is hard, technical and consistent, but he does not have much power. I have the impression that it will be a two halves fight, with Moraes' energy taking over the start fight and Arce's fuel tank serving him late. But I will have the power to make the biggest impression. Sheymon Moraes by decision.

Arce Staff Selection: Bissell, Phil, Nick, Mookie, Stephie, Fraser, Dayne
Staff chooses Moraes: Harry, Tim, Zane

Ben Saunders vs. Lyman Good

Phil Mackenzie: Fighting should be great fun as long as it lasts. Lyman Good is the biggest (?) Aggressive counter punches of Tiger Beard Schulmann. Although he had some problems staying focused in the fights (reference: "I do not want to be knocked out" against Zaleski dos Santos), he is terribly tough and a precise batter, and I'm not sure I know how Saunders can beat him apart. land the head shot or unhook the knee of his life. Lyman Good from TKO, turn 1.

Zane Simon: War Killa B! … I would love to see him win. But that's the definition of a fighter who kills or kills and has never been arrested in the cage. Good is not an excellent striker or a fantastic wrestler. Saunders is therefore likely to catch or take it at a distance, or even land on the inside. But as big as Saunders gets up and polished that Good is in the pocket (and as good as Good's chin), I have to take Lyman Good. Lyman Good from TKO, turn 1.

Staff selecting Saunders: Bissell, Harry, Tim
Staff Selection Good: Phil, Nick, Mookie, Stephie, Fraser, Dayne, Zane

Matt Frevola vs. Lando Vannata

Phil Mackenzie: Frevola's aggressive boxing wrestling game makes sense, but Polo Reyes has been able to exploit a lack of depth in his boxing, and Vannata will likely reveal some sporting deficiencies. Leaving Jackson-Wink is somewhat of a concern for Vannata (his tactical perspective of fighting to fight and his calm more than a long-term and technical development), but he remains an extremely fast starter who spoils all those with whom he fights very badly for the first time. round. Lando Vannata from TKO, Tower 1.

Zane Simon: Frevola does not seem experienced to fight at this level. He pushes a relentless aggression without much tactical awareness, launching power combos and rushing at full speed on his opponents, anyway. With a deeper technical base, it would be really good. And one day, it could serve him well. But against opponents who have more depth and nuance in their game and do not take a big step behind him on the sporting level, Frevola is quite willing to get caught. Lando Vannata via KO, Tour 1.

Staff selecting Frevola:
Vannata Staff Selection: Bissell, Harry, Phil, Nick, Mookie, Stephie, Fraser, Dayne, Tim, Zane

Shane Burgos vs. Kurt Holobaugh

Phil Mackenzie: This should be an absolute banger. Holobaugh has no idea of ​​how not to present combinations, and Burgos is of course a promising TBTSAC. Finding yourself in the center of the cage seems to be a bad way to treat Burgos, which had been fashioned by Kattar, but who remains a more subtle and solid fighter than Holobaugh, while maintaining a ridiculous chin and unpleasant power. Like Zane, it's a trusted choice for Burgos: he already has great technicality, despite the fact that he is relatively young in his career, and he has all the brands (camcorder, etc.) of somebody. one who will learn from his losses. Shane Burgos by unanimous decision.

Zane Simon: Man, I'm excited for this fight. Burgos has a fun style to look at, but it has some gaping holes that until recently, it never bothered to close. Kattar's fight should have changed that. If that were the case, Burgos should be too diverse, too skilful and maybe too fast for Holobaugh. If Burgos does not do it, Holobaugh's steadfast consistency, power, and power play could make this war a brutal war where the best chin wins. Holobaugh has rarely missed his goals. I will take Burgos, but it is with optimism that the defeat of Kattar will push him forward and not delay him. Shane Burgos by decision.

Staff Selection in Burgos: Bissell, Harry, Phil, Nick, Stephie, Mookie, Fraser, Dayne, Tim and Zane
Staff picking up Holobaugh:

Brian Kelleher against Montel Jackson

Zane Simon: Kelleher is just a more refined, more striking and more savvy version of the guy Montel Jackson JUST has lost. I love Jackson as a potential candidate. He has a great sniper style and great self-control. But without the technical depth, the variety, the pace and the necessary scrapping defense, it's really hard to see him beat Kelleher's wrestling match. Of course, if Kelleher can not get it, it could all change. But I'm taking Brian Kelleher by decision.

Phil Mackenzie: I was extremely impressed by Jackson versus Simon and I thought this fight was closer than he had the right to be. He has worn out over time, but Simon is a more committed wrestler than Kelleher (and maybe anyone in this division except maybe … Merab Dvalashvili?). I'm not sure Kelleher can stop himself from doing kickboxing with Simon, and if so, Simon is huge, powerful and accurate. Montel Jackson by TKO, round 1

Staff selects Kelleher: Bissell, Harry, Phil, Mookie, Fraser, Dayne, Tim, Zane
Jackson Staff Selection: Nick, Stephie

Adam Wieczorek against Marcos Rogerio de Lima

Zane Simon: Lima is a killer for about a round before appearing to close and abandon his opponent 's offensive. Wieczorek is a bop-it doll for about two rounds before his opponent gasses and he hits a takedown for maximum control. This seems to be a perfect recipe for Lima to lose what it tends to lose and for Wieczorek to win. Adam Wieczorek via TKO, turn 3.

Phil Mackenzie: A major chance that Lima absolutely kills Wieczorek here, but if he does not, then Wieczorek will continue to come. Adam Wieczorek by submission, round 3

Staff selecting Wieczorek: Bissell, Harry, Phil, Nick, Mookie, Stephie, Fraser, Dayne, Zane
Choice of Lima staff: Tim


Who wins the main event of the UFC 230?

  • 54%

    Cormier by stop

    (163 votes)

  • 20%

    Lewis by stop

    (60 votes)

  • 2%

    Cormier by decision

    (8 votes)

  • 1%

    Lewis by decision

    (3 votes)

  • 22%

    Lewis has already won by releasing Popeye for life

    (66 votes)

300 votes in total

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