UFO carrying trucks near Area 51 caught on video, triggers an extraterrestrial debate


The video of a flying saucer being carried in a truck is now a point of debate between extraterrestrial believers and UFO enthusiasts.

The disturbing clip was apparently shot on a highway in Nevada that is very close to Area 51, the so-called secret military base in the United States. The witness, who captured the sighting, says that he first spotted the weird object at intersection 15, a road that leads to Homey Airport already famous and at Groom Lake which is nicknamed Zone 51 among the conspiracy theorists. The incident occurred in daylight and the UFO vehicle was seen escorted by a safety car.

The clip that was originally uploaded to YouTube by "Battle M" has gained immense popularity in the online space. Third phase of the moon. In the description of the video, the conspiracy theory channel wrote sarcastically, "NASA: Never A Straight Answer".

The strange video has already gone viral, recording more than 24,000 views on YouTube. putting forward various theories explaining the bizarre incident. Most of them argued that the object that was seen being transported could be an accessory for Hollywood movies.

"As they would let such a thing be seen." It was a UFO day yesterday! ", Commented Hazel Blair.

" A transported film prop, seen exactly the same something in the life of a science fiction film festival, "commented Del Z Slayer, Another YouTuber.

Even though skeptics have destroyed the extraterrestrial angle, conspiracy theorists firmly believe that the object spotted might come from space.With these theoreticians, the US military with the help of some scientists has conducted experiments on aliens.the technology for many years in Area 51.

Various UFO sightings have been reported in and around Area 51 in recent years, and conspiracy theorists consider these sightings as solid evidence of extraterrestrial existence. [19659009] [ad_2]
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