UFO proof? Bizarre white path in the night sky raises extraterrestrial fears


"The extraterrestrials arrive"


White light has been seen by millions of people in the Chinese capital, Beijing, as well as by residents of Inner Mongolia and Central Chongqing. Thousands of people have uploaded this strange view to the government-sanctioned website, Weibo. A long swirling light swirled over many cities, breathtaking. Some have described this strange event as "a massive tail" or "artificial light" moving in the sky. Related Articles

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While many believe that it is an evidence of a launch approved by Beijing, others have claimed that it could act from 39; extraterrestrial. A user has posted: "Extraterrestrials are coming". Another said: "Is the UFO leaving China after celebrating its national holiday?" Famous ufologist Nigel Watson said the video appeared to be a track or something similar to those seen after many SpaceX launches. Related Articles

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CHINA: Millions of people have seen a strange object in the night sky
(Pic: WEIBO)
A notable example is the Falcon 9 rocket, which was launched Sunday night. He said: "In both cases, there are night launches where the rocket exhaust gases are very spectacular and can easily make a UFO think." This comes after a man told Daily Star Online exclusively that he had been working on a spaceship in the infamous area. 51. Bob Lazar unleashed a frenzy of extraterrestrial life in 1989 when, with the help of journalist George Knapp, he told his story to the world. The supplier of scientific equipment is responsible for bringing the Area 51 secret testing site to the world's knowledge. . Related Articles
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