"UFOs invaded the Earth": the gods of Nibiru seen in different parts of the world.


The images look like a mystic, but this is the first fact of humanoid intervention known to man, which could be the beginning of the end of the world.

«НО воторглись на Землю»: Оги с Нибиру замечены в разных уголках Планеты - соцсети

In the social network, the message on the approach of Nibiru, but these assumptions have given way to news of the emergence of extraterrestrials. "Gods of Nibiru" as they used to pay homage to different parts of the world. Understanding the nature of their personalities or their individuals requires more details to understand who they are. The most amazing fact is that the Sumerian text describes how Homo sapiens was created by the Anunnaki, with the help of associates. An expert in Sumerian language in Sitchin translation says that these beings came to our planet about 450,000 years ago to mine gold in one of the places in Zimbabwe. A recent study by the Anglo-American Corporation Corporation has just confirmed large-scale gold mining in the same region, at least 100,000 years ago.

All of the gold mined was returned to the planet Nibiru Anunnaki, and the workers who worked in the mines were with their planet X. After a revolt of Anunnaki of Nibiru, the chapter decided to create a new working class – it is probably the very first concept of slavery of humanity in our history. To create a new segment of the slaves of the population destined for gold mining, Anunnaki genes and local human genes were mixed with the help of genius genetics to create a new breed – Homo sapiens. It really looks like a fairy tale, but modern science says that about 200,000 years ago, there was a sudden change or modernization of human genetics, which experts call the missing link. Although we still have not found a logical explanation for the disappearance of DNA, the Anunnaki experiments with human genes can meet the demand of humanity in the near future because UFOs have invaded the Earth.

«НО воторглись на Землю»: Оги с Нибиру замечены в разных уголках Планеты - соцсети

The gods of Nibiru seen in different parts of the world, for example, a witness in the United States of America shared and resident of Peru. On both planes, it is visible in a similar landscape, where the circle and the displacement move of 4 round shapes. It should be noted that the spaceships of Nibiru's humanoids have surrounded the Sun and seem to feed on its energy and strength.

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